Monday, June 20, 2016


Vitamins not much happens. Therefore, doctors suggest add to favorite tea of berries and herbs. And the taste becomes rich, and for the health benefits! We offer you some tasty recipes vitamin drinks.

Collection 1. Rose hips - 1 tbsp, black currant berries - 1 tbsp.
Collection 2. Rose hips - 3 tbsp. spoon berries cranberries - 1 tbsp. spoon of dry powdered nettle leaves - 3 tbsp.
Collection 3. Rose hips - 1 tablespoon, the fruits cranberries - 1 tbsp.
Collection 4. Rose hips - 1 tablespoon, the fruits of viburnum - 1 tablespoon.
5. Dry powdered nettle leaves - 3 tbsp. spoon fruits of mountain ash - 7 tbsp.
Collection 6. Rose hips - 1 tbsp. spoon fruits of mountain ash - 1 tbsp.

All fees can be brewed separately: 1 tbsp. spoon collection pour a glass of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, to insist 4 hours. Take 0.5 Cup 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals. This beverage is useful to both adults and children. It will give you energy, give strength, strengthen the immune system.


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