Friday, July 8, 2016



In the midst of epidemics of influenza and other viral diseases, the body needs healthy support, the supply of vitamins and strengthening the immune system. This may help in simple and delicious teas and tinctures, which can be prepared according to old grandma’s recipes.

For example, the healing properties of hot drink that can be made from the fruit of the raspberry and lime color. A tablespoon of each ingredient you need to add 400 ml of hot water, and boiling for 10 minutes the broth should be pumped. This drink is best consumed warm before bedtime - 1 or 2 cups.

All know that dealing with viruses, a good defender can be garlic and lemon. By the way, they may be the basis and healthy hot drinks. So out of two lemons and two cloves of garlic medium size you can make a drink to strengthen the immune system. For this, the lemons and the garlic crushed (for example, on a grater), pour a liter of boiled but cooled water and infuse for three days at room temperature and then put into the refrigerator. The resulting infusion is not very tasty, but drink it in small quantities - just one tablespoon a day on an empty stomach, and the immune system you will have a strong!

Lemon, only this time with hell 1 a great recipe for a health drink. To prepare it, need 4 tablespoons of minced horseradish, the peel of 10 lemons and 0.5 liters of dry wine. The mixture should cook at a high temperature and then let stand for about two weeks. The resulting mixture is recommended to drink 20 minutes before a meal of 50 ml.

Popularity of the drink from chicory. It can vary, if you mix the chicory root and motherwort in equal proportions pour boiling water and drink daily glass of tea. The drink will be effective for prevention and treatment.


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