Sunday, July 3, 2016

Healing recipes based on hawthorn

Healing recipes based on hawthorn.

At a high level of cholesterol

Take liquid extract of the fruit, which is also part of the preparation cardiovalena. It is practically non-toxic, stimulates the tired heart and lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.

With increased excitability of the CNS

Take hawthorn tincture in the amount of 20-30 drops up to three times a day before meal. Also drink the decoction. To make it, take 20 grams of dried material and boil in a glass of water for twenty minutes. Then carefully strain the boiling water and bring the volume of the product to the original. The resulting drug take a tablespoon three times a day.

For hypertension

Take a decoction of ripe hawthorn fruit: 20 grams of dried material for half an hour boiled in a glass of water. Then press, strain the boiling water and bring the volume of the product to the original. The resulting broth take a tablespoon three times a day.


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