Sunday, July 3, 2016


This gym takes exactly 6 minutes, but it should be done every day, every hour. Exercises can be performed sitting, while walking, in the workplace, while cooking - anywhere. After 3 days you will wonder how you pulled your muscle and the scale starts to move in the opposite direction. You ask how long you need it to do? Constantly. But do not worry, you do eventually realize that it’s not difficult and it will be your routine.

1. Feet fully touch the ground. Raise and lower the heel 40 times.
2. Raise and lower the socks - 40 times.
3. Squeeze and open your buttock muscles 40 times.
4. Slowly push the wall of the stomach - exhale, inhale return to starting position - 15 times.
5. When you direct the back slide of the scapula to the spine - 40 times, keep the shoulders didn’t move.
6. Hands apart in different directions at shoulder level. Clench and open your fists 40 p
7. Head turns 90* left, right - 40 times.
8. Pulling the chin forward - 40 times.


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