Thursday, April 7, 2016

8 unusual ways to use honey

Everyone knows that honey is useful. But just tea with honey - not the best use of this magnificent product. There are a lot more effective and unusual ways to heal.

1. For nasal lavage. Honey solution is very good to treat runny nose, if you can’t stand the juice of onions and garlic, and drops against the common cold does not give the desired effect. Dissolve teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and skip the whole pipette solution first through one nostril, then through another. Repeat the operation several times a day. And if you diluted the honey with water, and beet juice, a cure will come much faster.

2. Cough. Mix 100 g suet, 100 g of honey, 100 g butter and 3 tablespoons cocoa, blind from this mass of small Patty and keep in the fridge. With a strong cough eat at night, one relief will come quickly.

3. From insomnia. Half-teaspoon of honey put to sleep on your tongue and slowly suck until fall asleep. Do this every day for at least a month - and you will notice that began to sleep better, the character became more even.

4. When you fatigue. You wants is to clean the body, relieve tiredness? Make honey pack. Prepare a decoction of oat straw with honey (whole plant oats zaparte 1 l of boiling water and keep on low heat for 20 minutes, then add 5 tablespoons of honey), moisten them with a sheet until it’s warm, and cover yourself in it. The polyethylene wrap on top, cover with a warm blanket and lie down in this “sauna” an hour and a half, and you can sleep. Before the wrap should be thoroughly washed with soap and a washcloth to clean the skin pores, through which will stand out of the sweat.

5. To clean the inside. Prepare a warm solution of honey (1 table spoon on 1 l of water), add a few drops of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon salt. From this solution it is possible to do an enema, which has good cleaning effects and has beneficial effects on the intestinal mucosa, inhibiting the activity of putrefactive microorganisms and improving the status of beneficial microflora.

6. To improve blood circulation. If you have lower back pain, bruises, hematomas, it is useful to do massage with honey. On clean skin apply by hand 2 tablespoons of honey, carefully spread on the surface and begin the massage. The palm will be firmly coupled to the adhesive surface of the skin, it should pull slightly upwards so that the skin lifts up. This massage not only improves circulation, but also lymph movement, so it is also recommended for cellulite.

I’m a follower of Winnie the Pooh, the honey love and a little versed. I especially like the thick, oily varieties - kipany, sweet clover. The morning, on an empty stomach, I like to drink a teaspoon of honey and lukewarm water. And I love to use honey in cooking, for example, caramelizing the ginger-leeks-garlic, if you cook shrimp.

7. When metabolism eat honeydew honey. It is particularly rich in trace elements. Its source is the honeydew of aspen, spruce, birch and other trees, and redesigned the insects the SAP of plants. Honeydew honey bees collect with a lack of nectar. It is darker and thicker floral, with a bitter aftertaste. This kind of honey is an excellent preventive measure against cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders.

8. To raise the immunity use honey in the comb. It is considered particularly useful, because it always contains natural and other products of bees. Therefore, it is recommended to the patients after serious operations, with a strong decrease in immunity.


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