Friday, April 8, 2016

Diet Breakfast!☀

Hearty, but easy diet Breakfast - the key to energy and good mood for the whole day! It will tide you over until lunch or dinner, not breaking away for harmful snacking. We offer 30 options for each day - you will no longer puzzle over what to cook for Breakfast!

1. Two pieces of wholemeal bread with two slices of mozzarella, tomatoes and fresh parsley or Basil.
2. Oatmeal with berries.
3. Oatmeal with honey and nuts.
4. Oatmeal with banana or other fruits.
5. Omelet with zucchini, tomatoes and/or peppers.
6. Scrambled eggs with mushrooms.
7. The tofu scramble.
8. Toast whole wheat bread with a couple teaspoons of peanut butter.
9. Two small pieces of baguette with scrambled eggs, thin slice of mozzarella or ricotta, cherry tomatoes and fresh parsley.
10. Whole grain toast with two hard boiled eggs + half a grapefruit.
11. Cottage cheese with honey.
12. Cottage cheese with berries/fruit.
13. Dietary cheese cakes.
14. Dietary curd casserole.
15. Diet pancakes on kefir with berry sauce.
16. Smoothies for weight loss: a Cup of yogurt/low fat drinking yoghurt + 100 grams of cottage cheese + half a banana + 10 grams of sugar (optional).
17. Any other berry / fruit / dairy smoothies.
18. Natural 30 grams of Breakfast cereal (without sugar, additives, etc.) + milk.
19. Natural yoghurt + oatmeal + berries/fruit.
20. The fitness granola bar + a glass of milk.
21. Small roll of pita bread, boiled breast of the bird and vegetables. Refill - natural yogurt.
22. Small roll with scrambled eggs.
23. Sandwich of wholemeal bread with Turkey and tomatoes.
24. Buckwheat + Cup of yogurt.
25. A handful of nuts and/or dried fruit on the way to work.
26. Coffee + dark chocolate for those who can not start the day with sweet.
27. Two banana pancakes with honey.
28. Carrot muffin with raisins + drink.
29. Scrambled eggs with salmon.
30. Scrambled eggs with spinach.


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