Friday, April 15, 2016

Effective tips to curb the appetite

1. Smaller meals reduces appetite. Fractional means little and often.
2. Follow the diet, he is loyal and faithful helper in the suppression of appetite. After all, each missed meal significantly increases appetite during the next meal.
3. Eat a delicious meal. After all, even if your body was filled with the tasteless food, he always wants something tasty.
4. Learn to eat slowly. Hastily swallowed food does not give feeling of saturation. Slowly and chew, on the contrary, it saturates faster.
5. Don’t confuse thirst with hunger. If after school suddenly craving, it is better not to dance with him, and drink a glass of water.
6. Have nothing in your house delicious, but harmful products. Cream cake, shortbread cookies oil, butter cakes, smoked sausages - it’s all the extra pounds!
7. Use less salt, because salt dishes provoke overeating, greatly increasing the appetite.
8. Avoid alcoholic beverages! Everyone knows that alcohol increases appetite, which leads to a set of unwanted pounds. Stop your choice on a good dry wine (not more than 200 ml), which enhances the digestive process.
9. If you reach out to food because of stress or bad mood, it is better to replace completely unnecessary extra meal, a long walk or natural herbal medication to calm the nerves.
10. Do not stretch the stomach. Even if it is a low-calorie food, it does not need to eat large portions. The same applies to the liquid: do not drink more than one glass of water or other liquid per 1 time.
11. Meditation and exercise is the perfect distraction from food and soothe even the most “rabid” appetite.
12. Do not engage in strict accounting of calories. Severe restrictions in the diet, as a rule, lead only to outbreaks of brutal appetite.


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