Wednesday, April 6, 2016


After three days of insomnia and meeting sunrises I admitted to myself that worry too much and asked advice from the bride’s mother. She advised me of a technique that was supposed to help. And I believed her, because this woman is not the first year leads meditation sessions and has a license to conduct a health practitioner. What can I say, her advice has really changed my life!

The best way to remember this method if you call it “4-7-8”. All you need to do:

Calmly inhale through your nose for 4 seconds.
Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
Then slowly exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds.
It’s that simple. This breathing exercise slows down our heart rate and calms. It happens very quickly - in just a few iterations. It works. Although it looks like madness.

How does it work

I couldn’t wait when I can check this thing in practice. To my complete surprise, I woke up the next morning, not even having time to realize what were missing until the next 8 seconds on the exhale.

Here is what I know about this effect. When you feel stress or anxiety, the amount of adrenaline in your blood increases and breathing becomes rapid and shallow. The technique, told me about this woman, acts as a sedative. A breath taking deliberately slow exhale inevitably slows the heart rate. This physiology.

Also, this practice soothes your mind. Just because you need to constantly consider and focus on your breathing. At this point you do not realize it, but your Central nervous system will gradually calm down and the anxiety to leave. The effectiveness of such methods you will confirm any neurologist.

As a result, your whole body relaxes. On the speed and strength of the effect is similar to when you anesthetized.

The study of this method was investigated by a MD from Harvard Andrew Vale. He found that the practice “4-7-8” for several centuries, the famous Indian yogi. They used it during their meditation to reach total relaxation. So we can assume it is completely safe.

How can it be useful to you specifically

I can tell you one thing: if this technique will affect you the same as me, it will allow you to fall asleep much faster. And this applies to very different situations. For example, when you Wake up late at night, think too much about something and I can’t sleep. Or when you get nervous before a competition or important event in your life. The technique of “4-7-8” will allow you.

Since preparing for a wedding, I use it every night and getting up in the morning, each time amazed at how well it works.


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