Sunday, September 4, 2016

A pulse of less than 50-60 beats per minute?

You have bradycardia. Rare RITM does not allow to maintain the bloodstream at the proper level, depriving oxygen and nutrients to the brain, kidneys, and the source of the problem - the heart.

If the heart rate drops sharply, reaching up to 40 beats/min, there is a sharp weakness, dizziness, faint and dizzy, and brief loss of consciousness. Don’t waste any time - call an Ambulance!

Bradycardia can be functional if the reason for the rare rhythm with the heart is not connected (for example, cholecystitis, diaphragmatic hernia), or organic - angina, inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) or other diseases (cardiomyopathy). Provide to understand everything the doctor.

! Spur work “lazy” hearts strong Cup of coffee or tea, as well as preparations of Lily of the valley in combination with belladonna (15-20 drops in 1 table spoon water 2 - 3 times a day).

Please note !

Most of the cores, usually snore, and are prone to bradycardia.
Snoring is a considerable danger for them because it causes sleep deprivation, oxygen starvation of the brain and myocardium, contributes to high blood pressure.
- According to the researchers, the signals about the strengthening of heart activity goes in the brain and excite the respiratory center, which causes pulmonary activity in line with the heart.


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