Friday, April 15, 2016

Salad with aubergines in Korean

Salad with aubergines in Korean.


Eggplant - 450 g (young)

Sweet pepper - 2 PCs.
Carrot - 1 PC.
Olive oil - 3 tbsp
Red onion - 1 PC.
Sugar - 1 tsp
Garlic - 4 tooth.
Sesame seeds - 1 tbsp
Vinegar - 0.75 tbsp (or to taste), vinegar 9%
Coriander - 1 tsp (or to taste)
Soy sauce - 3 tbsp
Black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon (or to taste)
Greens - to taste (cilantro, parsley, etc.)
Salt - to taste

1.The first stage of preparation of the salad will be preparing the eggplant. We suggest you take a small vegetables, young with a thin skin. Big eggplant inside a lot of big seeds - this salad is not good.
Slice the eggplant thin strips. I specifically wrote down in his notebook the dimensions: length 10-12 cm, width 0.6-0.7 cm.
2.Fold the eggplant strips in a bowl, and add salt. On the 450 I take about 1.5 teaspoons do Not worry, the vegetables will be salty, because we shall wash them with water. Leave on for 20 minutes.
3.Meanwhile cut into strips bell pepper or pepper variety “Bilozerka”. The main thing that pepper was sweet and juicy. You can use vegetables of different colors - yellow and orange or yellow and red bell pepper. In this case, the salad will be even more beautiful.
4.Carrots cut into thin strips, and you can grate it on a grater for Korean carrot. I chose the second option, as such I have a grater and carrots with this cutting softer than straw.
5.Thin half-rings, slice the red onion.
6.Now it is time to flush the salt from the eggplant, dry with paper towel and over medium heat lightly (6-7 minutes) fry with the addition of 1 table. L. olive oil.
In order not to break when stirring thin strips of eggplant I’m using kitchen tongs, gently lifting the vegetables and allowing them evenly fried. This can be done by working with two spoons or blades.
To prepare the dressing: in a jar or deep bowl to mix 2 table. L. olive oil, sugar, soy sauce, 9% vinegar, black pepper, ground coriander and garlic passed through the press. Vinegar can replace limonum juice, adding it to the salad to taste.
It is likely that the amount of spices you will increase, because one of universal proportions, to suit all tastes, it is almost impossible to give.
Start with this amount, dress the salad, try and bring it to taste, adjusting for yourself and your family.
8.Sesame seeds fry in a dry pan until light brown crust, so the salad will be even more aromatic.
9.In a bowl combine all vegetables, pour dressing, sprinkle with sesame seeds, stir and bring the salad to taste (you may add more salt, pepper and acid).
10.Salad refrigerate, as I said, for the night. But if you really want to taste it, he let stand at least 1 hour.


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