Teachings of the Saint, written during her life,which she gave to the people applying to it.
Why condemn other people? Think about yourself more often. Each lamb will be suspended for his tail.What do you want other tails?
Defend the cross, prayer, Holy water, Holy communion often.
Go to the temple and watch, pray with your eyes closed or look at any icon.
We need to pray. Sudden death happens when you try to live without prayer. The enemy on our left shoulder sits, and on the right is an angel and everyone has their own book: one written in our sins, and in the other good works. Often be baptized.
The cross - the same castle as on the door.
There are imaginary diseases. Their send.
God forbid you should pick up on the street, anything from things or money.
If you something nasty or offensive to say will be old, sick or who are out of your mind, then don’t look, and just help them.
To help patients in need with patience and to forgive they need, whatever they said and did.
People should be treated necessarily.
The body is a house given by God. It must be repaired.
God created the world, medicinal herbs, and neglect it not…
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