Thursday, June 30, 2016


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comAbout half a year ago I was given a recipe whose results I was shocked! Already half of the course, pure skin, 100% free from acne. Soft and perfectly delicate skin of the entire body like silk! You will forget about constipation! Say goodbye to the toxins, which until that time, gave volume to the stomach! Stop aching! And no sweating! 1. Buy at the pharmacy birch tar and pipette. 2. When you go to bed, on a small piece...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comAcupressure - this is not quackery, and not something ancient and incomprehensible, and full of medical technology. Acupuncture and acupressure help people to solve their health problems for several thousand years! In short, the logic here is that every organ in our body is directly connected to specific points on the body through energy channels. So if you want to improve the performance of some internal organs, you...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Wash our face in the usual way, clipped the hair to the face was open.2. Prepare the mixture No. 1. Take a tablespoon of shaving cream, add half a teaspoon of baking soda. Good interfere.3. Boil water in a pan, throw a handful of dried chamomile flowers.Put the saucepan on the table, covered with a towel and up the face. Enough 5-7 minutes.4. On a steamed wet face, apply the mixture, avoiding eyes and lips.We go to...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comLOW BACK PAIN: SALT AND OIL AGAINST PAIN.At cervical osteochondrosis you can try a very interesting recipe, after which you will not feel pain for quite a long time.Need crude vegetable oil (with a smell) and fine salt (can be sea).Prepare medication for the entire course: 10 tbsp salt to fill 20 tbsp oil, all stir well to avoid lumps.After a few days it turns white slurry of small particles of salt and oil. Every day...

Effectively strengthen and restore the liver cells

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comEffectively strengthen and restore the liver cells.1. The infusion of Thistle (prickly).Has great anti-toxic action. Any kind of poisoning, you must drink the infusion of a Thistle for removing harmful substances. It is widely used for the treatment of cirrhosis and hepatitis. Proven that Thistle can be used for prevention. 3 tablespoons herb Thistle (buy at pharmacy) pour 800 ml of boiling water, to insist 1 hour in...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comMy grandmother at 82 years old had no idea what a pain in the joints, heaviness in the legs, aching in the spine. And the reason is her miraculous rubbing. Truly, the best tools I have myself experienced. Ill like the neck, so much so that even sitting for a long time could not, and grandma offered me their miracle-rubbing. Do not believe it, after 2 days I felt so relieved, like a bag of stones had fallen from his shoulders....


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comToday I will tell you wonderful and the mask from hair loss, proven now more than one generation in our family.After the birth, I terribly began to lose her hair.Cried a bit, calmed down and started to think what to do.I rushed to the pharmacy Vichy.Alemany, etc. - the money.Was the wool Internet in search of saving money and was about to order one, but then call mom, I was in a panic trying to post their problem, and...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Massaging the big toe, the effect you have on the hypothalamus. It is very useful to people who are overweight are pressing this point helps to control appetite, promote natural weight loss. 2. In the center of the thumb is the point responsible for the operation of the pituitary gland is the master hormonal gland. Any hormonal imbalance you will not be afraid if to give this point sufficient attention. 3. At the...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comFlax seed for weight loss is an inexpensive, but extremely effective and useful tool for getting rid of extra pounds. In addition, strengthens the immune system, acquired a healthy and soft skin is cleansed digestive system.Usually flax seeds to get rid of extra pounds are used in various infusions and decoctions.1 tablespoon of flax seed pour 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 8-10 hours. Make a remedy should...

The hodgepodge of diet in a slow cooker🔸on 100gramm - 45.14 kcal🔸B/W/Y - 2.51/3.11/1.73🔸Ingredients:- Smoked meat - 150 gr- Ham - 150 gr- Tomatoes - 3 PCs- Potatoes - 2 PCs- Mushrooms canned - 300 g- Pickled cucumber - 3 PCs- Tomato paste - 50 g- Olives - 50 grams- Lemon - 1 piece- Broth or water - 2 lPreparation:Chop the meat.Potatoes peel and cut into pieces.On the mode of frying in the bowl of a slow cooker heat oil and fry onion, carrot. Add the mushrooms...

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A few words about separate nutrition

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Never eat during a single meal of farinaceous and proteinaceous products. If you want to digestion you were normal, you should not artificially hamper the stomach. Well the food is digested the same species (or combined with each other). Proteins are digested in the stomach with highly acidic gastric juices, those that interfere with the digestion of amidonul. Flour products in this gastric juice may start to ferment....

Hidden gymnastics Vorobyov

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThis gym will take you exactly 6 minutes, but it should be done every hour.This is very simple, because the exercises can be performed lying, sitting, standing, walking, in the workplace, at the kitchen table - anywhere.But the first 3 days are the hardest, because they have to be every hour to force myself.From the author: Randomly in one of logs saw the complex of this gym and decided to try it. After 2 weeks, a miracle!,...

Infusions of herbs to cleanse the blood vessels

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comInfusions of herbs to cleanse the blood vessels.Collection 1. For removing cholesterol from the body.Leaves mother and stepmother, St. John’s wort, rose hips 6 tbsp of fennel Seeds, grass motherwort, leaves and berries strawberries - 3 tbspPreparation of infusion: 1 tbsp. l. collection steamed 1 Cup boiling water. To insist 30-40 minutes, drain. Take 0.3 Cup 30 minutes before meals.The course is 27 days. After 7 days...

Cleanse vessels

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comCleanse vessels.Doctors say that today many people die from cardiovascular diseases. So why is no one promoting simple methods of purification of vessels and the training of the heart? Everyone knows that to prevent disease is much easier than to cure neglected body. Here I am in Internetе repeatedly found recipes for cleansing the vessels and they are quite simple to prepare and the reception. Here are some of them:✔...

9 charged! Save not to lose!

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. The picture loaded on the improvement of vision 2. Picture charged to weight loss and getting rid of extra pounds 3. The picture is recharged on the health and strength of hair 4. Picture charged on the withdrawal toothache 5. Picture charged to improve energy tone 6. Picture charged on total the body’s healing 7. The picture is charged for treatment of phobias and fears elimination 8. The picture is charged at cleansing...

Dietary Ratatouille🔸on 100gramm - 38.77 kcal🔸B/W/Y - 0.78/1.77/4.69🔸Ingredients:Eggplant 1 pieceZucchini 1 pieceSweet pepper 1 PCTomatoes 2 piecesLemon juice 3 tbsp.Garlic 3 tooth.Chili pepper 0.5 pieceBasil, dillOlives 5 PCsSalt to tasteOlive oil - 2 tbspPreparation:Eggplant, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes cut into slices. Eggplant and zucchini in sea salt (quite a bit). Put in greased with olive oil form, alternating each vegetable.To...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comNearly all women have barely noticeable hair above the lip. Someone such “tendrils” seen more, someone less. Many are trying to get rid of this imperfection. However, most methods have drawbacks. Chemical methods for bleaching harmful for the skin, and mechanical - are quite painful and do not give long lasting result.We want to share a great painless way which gives long lasting effect and will not cause harm to the...

8 recipes for cleansing joints!

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comNo. 1.Regular consumption of cooked rice is very very clean joints. Rice has the property to “pull” salts, which are deposited in the joints. The longer the rice grain soaked in water, the more effective its impact.No. 2.Include in your diet salad with black and green radish (100 grams per day). The course duration is 3 weeks.No. 3.Take 2 teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar, two tablespoons of honey and dissolve in a glass...

What it means to thirst for certain products and than it is possible to compensate, without prejudice

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comWhat it means to thirst for certain products and than it can be compensated for without damage. Tell your friends not to forget!1. You want sweet: lack of carbon. Contains fresh fruit. 2. Want burnt food: lack of carbohydrates. Contains: fresh fruit. 3. Like chocolate: lack of magnesium. Contains: raw nuts and seeds, fruits, legumes and beans. 4. Want of bread: lack of nitrogen. Contained in: foods with high protein...

25 best home remedies for cleaning

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com25 best home remedies for cleaning. Save money on household products☝House cleaning can be fun! If you approach this case with the known ingenuity, you can feel yourself a real master of the pure universe. The realization that you can bring everywhere is spotlessly clean using only home remedies will make the cleaning more enjoyable. Because you can save so much money on expensive household chemicals! And the result...

How to drink milk

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comMilk is a truly magical product, given to us by nature. It contains all substances necessary for the development and growth of the organism. Milk fat is the basis for the synthesis of synovial fluid, ensuring the normal lubrication of the articular surfaces. Milk strengthens bones and tooth enamel, increases the brain activity and many more. In the ancient yogic Scriptures indicate that the wise men were fed only milk.Useful...

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comEffective in the prevention and the fight against migraines dry leaves of eucalyptus, Bay leaf and cherry. It is good to make yourself a small pad of such leaves and keep it in the headboard, as if the attack occurs, the patient should lie side on the pillow.Peppermint tea also relieves the attacks. Boil two or three tablespoons (tea) of mint in a pint of boiling water and insist hour in a thermos. Drink half a Cup....

6 medicinal infusions for recuperation

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com6 medicinal infusions for recuperation.1. Put in an enamel saucepan apricots 3 PCs., prunes 5 PCs, figs 3 PCs., raisins 1 tbsp, 2 apples, 2 slices of lemon. All this to cover with water and boil for 5-10 minutes on low heat. To eat for Breakfast.2. Make a mixture of equal parts wheat, oats, barley. To mill grain in a coffee grinder, pour warm water at the rate of 1 tbsp flour to 1 Cup. water. To insist 2 hours, strain...

Treat the nose and throat mineral water

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. If a sore throat, then heat the mineral water to 40 C, and gargle her throat 4-6 times a day. The treatment can be stretched up to 2 weeks. This procedure is a great prevention of diseases of the throat.There are no age contraindications, can hold a baby as soon as he learned how to gargle.2. With stomatitis do 15-minute oral bath, changing the water in your mouth 3-4 times. Child enough to ask just to rinse your...

33 the beneficial properties of garlic for health‣ Helps treat atherosclerosis.‣ Helps to lower cholesterol.‣ Reduces blood pressure.‣ Helps with gout.‣ Helps in the treatment and prevention of flu and respiratory infections.‣ Prevents the growth and spread of bacteria.‣ Helps in the treatment of tuberculosis.‣ Used in the treatment of purulent wounds.‣ Helps to treat trichomoniasis (a sexually transmitted infection.)‣ Stimulates the metabolism.‣ Prevents the development...

Carrot cake*200 kcal per 100 g*The dough: finely grated carrots (3-4 medium), 3 eggs, zest of half a lemon, juice the half a lemon, a little cinnamon ( to taste ), slaked vinegar baking soda 1/8 teaspoon semolina ( to the consistency of thick cream), honey ( to taste-who loves sweet, in my opinion it is possible and without). Stir and into the oven for 40-50 minutes 180 C. Check with a toothpick in readiness. I did a thin layer...

Eggplant Parmesan

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comNumber of servings: 2 PCs.Ingredients:Eggplant - 2 PCs.Salt - 1 tspOlive oil - 1 tbspGarlic - 1 cloveTomatoes (tomatoes) - 3 PCs.Basil - 30 gGround black pepper - to tasteCrackers - 200 gCheese - 100 gFlour - 30 gEggs - 4 PCs.Olive oil - 40 mlMozzarella - 300 gTomato sauce - 100 mlPreparation:1. Slice the eggplant slices. Lightly sprinkle both sides with salt. Let the eggplant slices will settle and release the moisture...

FOLK REMEDIES FOR HEARTBURN BuckwheatThis is one of the most effective folk remedies for heartburn. Buckwheat on a hot squerade without oil to fry to a dark brown color, pound and sift. Taken three times a day on the tip of a knife.- Oats and barleySince time immemorial, folk medicine known oats and barley as tools that help to get quick relief from heartburn. Just chew a few minute grains of oats or barley in the mouth, the saliva while swallowing....

Effective remedy for nail fungus

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThis is a simple 2-component tool get rid of nail fungus!Yellowing and flaking of the nail plate, the appearance of cracks and itchiness between the toes - symptoms of fungal infection. Statistics show that every 5th inhabitant of the Earth suffers from this problem.Lowered immunity, tight shoes, excessive sweating feet, excessive weight - factors contributing to infection. If you noticed on the feet of the manifestations...

Eight exercises against cervical degenerative disc disease

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThe first manifestation of cervical degenerative disc disease - back pain, headaches, dizziness, floaters in eyes, hearing loss or noises, and swaying while walking in breach of coordination.To avoid this, we offer simple exercises that will help you win the degenerative disc disease and preserve health.1. Lower chin to the neck. Turn your head first 5 times right, then 5 times to the left.2. Slightly lift your chin....

Granny's wise advice Drink water before meals - will be long young.- The skin will return to its former garlic juice and aloe.- Hepatitis deaths give the roots of rhubarb decoction.- The older the man, the more important he is the onion!- The vein is seen inside the Apple cider vinegar RUB.- Fasting tooth of garlic - day virus in the cold.- Honey, lemons and garlic shortness of breath let off.- Glycerin, lemon and honey eat, and cough...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThe ancient system of gymnastic exercises included in a variety of eye movement, activating blood circulation around the eyes and the brain. After these exercises, people feel much more alert. These exercises are good at relieving mental fatigue (based relief - the reciprocal relationship between the oculomotor nerve and nerve cells of brain vessels), helping to improve near eye muscles to maintain elasticity of skin,...

Monday, June 27, 2016

Potato pancakes with zucchini🔸on 100gramm - 65.73 kcal🔸B/W/Y - 1.93/0.87/13.11🔸Ingredients:Potatoes - 1 kg.Zucchini (medium) - ½ Chicken egg - 1 PC.Salt (to taste) - 2 oz.Seasoning (to taste) - 2 oz.Olive oil - 2 oz.Preparation:The good old potato pancakes. Yummy! The recipe was used a frying pan with non-stick coating that does not require oil for frying, so the oil pan dropped slightly for lubrication. If you have a regular frying pan, the...

If you ever want something to chew on

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comIf you ever want something to chew on…If so, then you need to do it with minimal damage to health and figure. Includes a useful recipe!The squares for a snack.Oat flakes 250 grams, ginger scientisty 1 tbsp syrup (can use jam) 2 tablespoons, zest of 1 orange 350 g dried apricots, cinnamon 2 teaspoons cocoa 50 gr. a little of your favorite nuts to taste.* Some flakes fry in a dry frying pan until lightly brown. * Dried...

Remove the hair forever!

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comIodine + ammonia is a popular and effective tool.1. Mix 35 g. of alcohol, 5 g. of ammonia, 1.5 g of iodine, 5 g of castor oil.2. The resulting solution lubricate the skin with unwanted hair 2 times a day.After a few days the hair fall forever.If you have an Allergy to any ingredient, this recipe use is not worth it!Some more popular recipes of hair removal.1. The walnut shells. One of the most popular and effective means...

How to determine disease in the palm of your hand

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comHow often do you pay attention to your hands? And you know that redness, flaking and scratching in a specific area of this body part are reporting problems with internal organs? With the following tips you can determine the disease, having carefully studied the surface of the palms.1. If your palms often develop a reddish or yellowish tint, it is possible that you have hit the liver.2. If only redden the tips of your...

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