Monday, June 27, 2016

What happens to force and energy? 9 causes of weakness

What happens to force and energy? 9 causes of weakness.

Probably, many have had an experience when a force somewhere here, although you do anything heavy and didn’t do. And all because of our habits. In order to be healthy and happy, you need not only exercise, but also pay attention to the development of the spiritual world. Eastern medicine has claimed that problems with the inner world of cause disease. Pay attention to the 9 reasons that Rob you of power.

1. The things you brought do not end up
If you do not bring the case to the end, they pull out of you even if you don’t pay attention to it. Try to fulfill the promises to repay borrowed money and things, to bring everything to the end or not to take up the case, knowing that you don’t have time to execute it.

2. Lie
When a person tells a lie, he spends a lot of energy to create and maintain images that are fictional. Do not prevaricate. Don’t lie to themselves and others. Be yourself.

3. Fear, distrust, hostility
When fear and mistrust are very quickly spent and energy resources, because the body is in stress, he is preparing for the worst, and it’s exhausting.

4. Overload of various kinds, lack of physical activity and contact with nature
If you’re all business and experiences, then power is being wasted quickly. Also worrying over nothing spent hormones of the adrenal cortex. This can lead to kidney failure.

5. Talk about anything and fussiness
Talking about nothing often takes energy. One can feel it after practice of silence.

6. Resentment and isolation
Every man is an open energy system. If it is isolated, it will begin to weaken. Communicate with family, don’t hold a grudge, go out more often with friends.

7. Lack of sleep
If you don’t get enough sleep, the body is not recovered and is resting. Also accumulate toxins and confused biorhythms.

8. Overeating and bad habits
With overeating and bad habits, the body spends power for neutralization of toxins and their excretion. It overloads the nervous system, kidneys and intestines.

9. Illness, external circumstances and energy vampires
Illnesses and external circumstances also, it takes a lot of energy. This paragraph applies communication with unpleasant people.

Don’t waste your strength in vain, but better save them for a happy life.


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