Friday, June 24, 2016

Sick teeth? It does not matter

Sick teeth? It doesn’t matter. 10 people’s advice will help you.

1. Mix equal parts by weight of cinnamon powder and honey. This mixture is helpful to coat the tooth, which is loose and sore. It will soothe and strengthen;

2. For toothache to keep in your mouth a tablespoon of trapping oil, until it’s gone;

3. When a toothache connect the fingers and apply pads to the affected area. Hold it there until the pain subsides;

4. Toothache thumbs press down on the carotid artery under the lower jaw on the side of the patient’s tooth. Hold it there until the pain subsides;

5. A poultice of a strong decoction of yarrow is used in the flux;

6. To facilitate the cutting of teeth in children, it is useful to lubricate them gums unsalted butter;

7. Systemic administration of pumpkin due to the presence of large amounts of fluoride is a good remedy to prevent tooth decay;

8. For toothache a paste of onion wrap in cheesecloth and put in the ear on the side opposite to the one where the patient’s tooth;

9. To prevent dental caries, it is useful to systematically use walnuts;

10. To prevent dental caries warm decoction of sage rinse your mouth, trying to keep the broth longer a patient tooth.


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