Friday, June 24, 2016

Natural scrubs for the face:

Take note 📌

▫ Take a pinch of salt and honey, mix. If you want to do delicate cleaning, add a little salt, and if you need a deep cleaning - and increase the portion of salt. If you use the sponge effect of the procedure will turn out more. Leave the mixture on the face for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water.

▫ Tablespoon hold over the fire until it becomes hot, then pour it in castor oil. Heated oil thus apply to face, gently massaging with your fingers. After 5-7 minutes, wipe the face with a damp cloth or towel. Castor oil not only cleanse your skin, but will smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.

▫ Cereal relieve inflammation and treat problematic skin. Take half a Cup of oatmeal and pour a glass of boiling water. Allow the mixture to cool, then apply on face, leave for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.

▫ Baking soda is a wonderful exfoliant that will gently cleanse your skin and kill bacteria that cause acne. To do this, take some baking soda, add warm water enough to make a paste. The resulting tool apply on skin and massage with fingertips. After a few minutes, rinse the baking soda with cool water.

▫ Olive oil - excellent for cleaning pores. In addition, it will make the skin smooth and even. Apply some oil on palm and massage their skin for a few minutes. Hold a towel over the steam so it is warm and moist, then apply to face and leave on face until it cools. Wipe off excess oil. After the procedure need to wash and apply the cream. The procedure is desirable before going to sleep


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