Monday, June 20, 2016

Every day, an hour before bedtime, apply on face the mixture of glycerin and vitamin E

Every day, an hour before bedtime, apply on face the mixture of glycerin and vitamin E… *

Without smooth, beautiful skin to women it is impossible to look well-groomed and attractive. Dryness, flaking, some rashes, oily sheen, the first wrinkle - all this negates all of the natural beauty of this sweet face and leaves not a very pleasant experience. However, in the treasures of home cosmetology is a great tool, is successfully coping with all these misfortunes, is a facial mask with glycerin and vitamin E. While 1 of the active components is functioning on skin hydration, the second is currently conducting an effective and quick work on rejuvenation. This double punch can not stand none of the cosmetic defects of the face.
Use a mask of glycerin and vitamin E

Vitamin E is considered a vitamin of youth and beauty. He is part of collagen. A lack of vitamin affects the appearance - the skin looks flabby, tired old. But the daily mask will help to cope with the situation. And here’s why.
Glycerin retains moisture in the skin, forming on her film. The ingredients added to the glycerin, it is better effect on the skin. Do not worry that immediately after application the skin becomes sticky. The glycerin will be absorbed soon and the feeling will disappear.

Vitamin E slows skin aging, smoothes wrinkles, reduces fatigue and even treats problem skin in adolescents.

10 capsules of vitamin E to pierce and squeeze into the bottle of glycerin (25 g). Both are fairly easy to find at the nearby pharmacy.

While watching the evening news or TV series, apply on face, pre-clearing it. After 40-60 minutes, wipe the face with a tissue but do not wash. Express water treatments at night and while you go to bed. A week later the skin will recover and become velvety.


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