Saturday, June 25, 2016

Simple remedies for bruises

Contusions - the most common type of damage that may occur as alone or accompany other more serious injuries.

The vinegar and salt.

Mix half a Cup of 9% vinegar 0.5 teaspoons of salt. Soak in this mixture of cloth and apply to injury on the half hour. The pain will pass quickly, and the bruise will not.


To have a child has a bump formed on the bruised place, lubricate it with butter.


Once hurt, attach to the sore place ice and they actively RUB the injured spot.


Dilute in water in soap, dipped in this water and apply cloth to the affected area.

Banana peel.

Bruising is possible to clean the inner side of fresh banana, applying it to the bruised area for half an hour.

Onions with salt.

Take 5-6 heads of onions, grind to a fine grater, add 1 tbsp. of rock salt. This composition is wrapped in a cloth and apply to the bruise. Change the compress should 3 times a day, and repeat the procedure several days. Usually 5 days all passes.


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