Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Effective remedy for nail fungus


This is a simple 2-component tool get rid of nail fungus!
Yellowing and flaking of the nail plate, the appearance of cracks and itchiness between the toes - symptoms of fungal infection. Statistics show that every 5th inhabitant of the Earth suffers from this problem.
Lowered immunity, tight shoes, excessive sweating feet, excessive weight - factors contributing to infection. If you noticed on the feet of the manifestations of the fungus, you should act immediately!

Plain baking soda and Apple cider vinegar these days is on the kitchen shelf almost every housewife. With the help of these tools, you can inflict a devastating blow to the fungus.

Mix Apple cider vinegar and warm water in the ratio 1 : 3, pour the mixture into the basin and hold it in this solution the legs 20 minutes. Then wipe them dry. Again pour into a basin of warm water (2 l) and dissolve in it 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Hold the feet in this bath for 15 minutes, dry thoroughly and cut out all the affected areas with a fungus of the nail (they will easily separate).

To defeat a fungal infection, you need to do this procedure each night until the full regrowth of healthy nails. The essence of the method is that the fungus dies in an acidic environment, and the baking soda prevents its further spread.

In advanced cases, after the bath to lubricate the nails with tea tree oil: it is proved as an effective antifungal agent.

Be healthy!


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