Sunday, June 26, 2016

7 good reasons to start drinking carrot juice

7 good reasons to start drinking carrot juice.

Fresh carrot juice is rightly called the king of vegetable juices. It contains a number of valuable vitamins and microelements, which makes this drink are indispensable to the maintenance of the body after the winter, and also for children and people with poor health.

1. Supports the immune system
100 grams of carrot juice contains 3 mg of vitamin C, 2.1 g of beta-carotene, about 350 micrograms of vitamin A, 0.2 mg of vitamin e and 0.3 mg of vitamin E. it is Also rich in potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. A real emergency weakened immunity: an indispensable product in the period of beriberi!

2. Eliminates problems with vision
From an early age we were taught that, you need to eat a carrot, if you want to have a good vision. Indeed, the vitamin A that carrot juice contains a full, able not only to prevent vision problems but also to solve the existing ones.
If turning off the lights, you can’t get used to the darkness, perhaps the body suffers from a lack of this vitamin.

3. Is the prevention of cancer
The antioxidants in carrot juice, a beneficial effect on the entire body. They prevent oxidative processes, fight free radicals, slowing the aging process.

4. Regenerates the liver
Regularly using carrot juice, you’re helping the liver. It has cleansing and detoksiciruuschee properties.
But remember that benefit only the juice, enriched with fats: add in a Cup a spoon of sour cream or cream, you can refuel drink olive oil. This should be done because vitamin a without fats practically not absorbed.

5. Improves skin condition
Vitamin a deficiency directly affects the skin condition: there are small sores, redness, peeling and dryness… a Glass of carrot juice a day in a short time will solve these problems. And the meal can cook a great carrot face mask.

6. Revitalizes heart
A unique combination of vitamins in carrot juice reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis, improves heart. It is especially important to consume this drink smokers.

7. Strengthens the nerves
Cheerful orange color is uplifting! And daucosterol (for the endorphins) contained in the juice, a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Carrot juice is contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus and those who suffer from digestive disorders.

Pulling from the shelf a juicer, remember that the daily intake of carrot juice - 250 ml. In large quantities it can harm. Fresh carrot juice can be stored in the refrigerator for only an hour. And children it is given diluted 1:1 with water.

Be healthy!


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