Wednesday, June 29, 2016

8 recipes for cleansing joints!

No. 1.

Regular consumption of cooked rice is very very clean joints. Rice has the property to “pull” salts, which are deposited in the joints. The longer the rice grain soaked in water, the more effective its impact.

No. 2.

Include in your diet salad with black and green radish (100 grams per day). The course duration is 3 weeks.

No. 3.

Take 2 teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar, two tablespoons of honey and dissolve in a glass of water. Eat 2 cups a day for ten days.

No. 4.

Boil 5 Bay leaves for five minutes in 280 ml of water. Half an hour and cooled dilute one tablespoon of broth in one Cup of water. Consume a glass per hour for five days.

No. 5.

Drink tea made from parsley and celery. Course duration 12 days.

No. 6.

Include in your diet of dandelion tea.

No. 7.

This recipe is only suitable for women. Collect the flowers of dandelions, loosely fill a jar with them, fill up with good vodka, close and insist in a cool dark place for about two weeks. Use tincture to one teaspoonful in half glass of water for two weeks in the morning.

No. 8.

Very well withdraw deposits in the joints teas from the roots of the bearberry, field horsetail, knotweed, sunflower, and pumpkin tails and watermelon peels. Duration
this cleansing course should not exceed two weeks.


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