Monday, June 20, 2016

Tincture for your heart and nerves

Tincture for your heart and nerves.

The possibility of this peculiar “cocktail” is very broad:
it lowers intracranial pressure and normalizes blood, has a calming, anticonvulsant and antispasmodic action helps with varicose veins, peripheral vessels, venous stasis, improves cerebral blood circulation, prevents blood clots, stimulates the blood and even has an antitumor effect.
Particularly good treatment results can be felt with tachycardia and arrhythmia, high blood and intracranial pressure, and various neuroses.
It will be useful to people with strong weather dependent.

We need to take 100 ml of pharmaceutical tinctures:

- Valerian;
- peony;
- hawthorn;
- motherwort;
and add to him 50 ml of tincture of eucalyptus and 25 ml of infusion of mint.

This mixture is placed in a half-liter bottle and fill there 10 pieces of cloves.
Mixture infuse for two weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally.
To take medication 3-4 times a day 15-20 minutes before eating 20-25 drops. The infusion can drip on a sugar cube to dissolve or wash down with water.

The amount of tincture that will work after the merger of all the ingredients in a regular daily intake is enough for the treatment. You can drink the medicine from case to case, i.e. as required. Then a cocktail can be spread out over 2-3 years. The healing properties of it are preserved.


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