Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Hidden gymnastics Vorobyov

This gym will take you exactly 6 minutes, but it should be done every hour.
This is very simple, because the exercises can be performed lying, sitting, standing, walking, in the workplace, at the kitchen table - anywhere.
But the first 3 days are the hardest, because they have to be every hour to force myself.

From the author: Randomly in one of logs saw the complex of this gym and decided to try it. After 2 weeks, a miracle!, I saw the result (the skirt, which couldn’t even fasten, is much larger to me)


1. Feet fully touch the ground.
Raise and lower the heel 40 times.

2. Raise and lower the socks - 40 times.

3. Squeeze and open your buttock muscles 40 times.

4. Slowly retract the abdominal wall on the exhale,
on the inhale - return to the starting position - 15 times.

5. When you direct the back slide of the scapula to the spine 40 times.
Make sure that the shoulders do not move.

6. Hands apart in different directions at shoulder level.
Clench and open your fists 40 times.

7. Head turns 90º to the left, then the right - 40 times.

8. Pulling the chin forward - 40 times.


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