Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Infusions of herbs to cleanse the blood vessels

Infusions of herbs to cleanse the blood vessels.

Collection 1. For removing cholesterol from the body.

Leaves mother and stepmother, St. John’s wort, rose hips 6 tbsp of fennel Seeds, grass motherwort, leaves and berries strawberries - 3 tbsp

Preparation of infusion:
1 tbsp. l. collection steamed 1 Cup boiling water. To insist 30-40 minutes, drain. Take 0.3 Cup 30 minutes before meals.

The course is 27 days. After 7 days you can repeat.

Collection 2. Infusion for cleansing vessels.

St. John’s wort, peppermint, horsetail - 6 tbsp
Cottonweed marsh - 4 tbsp
Dandelion root - 3 tablespoons
Berries viburnum and Rowan - 2 tbsp

To prepare and take medical infusion the same way as the previous one.


St. John’s wort is not recommended is long to take for high blood pressure. You can reduce the number of Assembly and replaced with centaury.

Motherwort may cause drowsiness and reduced concentration.

It can be replaced with leaves of lemon balm, hop cones or oregano.


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