Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Dietary Ratatouille

🔸on 100gramm - 38.77 kcal🔸B/W/Y - 0.78/1.77/4.69🔸

Eggplant 1 piece
Zucchini 1 piece
Sweet pepper 1 PC
Tomatoes 2 pieces
Lemon juice 3 tbsp.

Garlic 3 tooth.
Chili pepper 0.5 piece
Basil, dill
Olives 5 PCs
Salt to taste
Olive oil - 2 tbsp

Eggplant, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes cut into slices. Eggplant and zucchini in sea salt (quite a bit). Put in greased with olive oil form, alternating each vegetable.
To make the sauce: mix the garlic, pushed through a press, finely chopped hot pepper, finely chopped dill, Basil and oil. Add a little salt.
Lubricate sauce the vegetables, cover the form with foil and place in a preheated 180C oven for 45 minutes.
Remove the foil, sprinkle the vegetables with lemon, sprinkle with cheese and again put into the oven for another 15 minutes (without the foil).
Once the Ratatouille is ready - let it stand, covered for 15 minutes.

Bon appetit!


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