Tuesday, June 28, 2016



Effective in the prevention and the fight against migraines dry leaves of eucalyptus, Bay leaf and cherry. It is good to make yourself a small pad of such leaves and keep it in the headboard, as if the attack occurs, the patient should lie side on the pillow.

Peppermint tea also relieves the attacks. Boil two or three tablespoons (tea) of mint in a pint of boiling water and insist hour in a thermos. Drink half a Cup. A great option would be the combination of mint with chamomile. The proportions remain the same, only mint is replaced by a mixture in equal proportions.

If you make sleep the grass and let stand over night, then morning surgery infusion will be a excellent preventive measure against migraines. The proportions are on the pharmacy package.

If there are dried berries of dogwood, it is possible to cook from them compote and drink for several days.

Severe pain on the forehead applied cabbage leaves or lilac.

If there are no contraindications of the gastrointestinal tract, you can drink as prophylaxis, a glass of fresh juice cranberry or blackcurrant juice

Helps compress of steamed wormwood imposed on the forehead.

Traditional medicine believes that any pain when you drink tea of lime blossom, which simultaneously will adjust the balance of hormones.

If the migraine was the result of severe stress, it is necessary to make tea of oregano and drink it for a few days.

Add to tea, some ginger and a couple of months, you forget about the pain.


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