Friday, June 24, 2016


How important tactile contact, to report all pediatricians without exception. And often prescribed to children massage under such far as it seems at first glance, the problems as acute bronchitis, for example.

And about such “problems” as increased nervous excitability, hypertonicity and gipotonus muscles, and say no massage in this case is the most reliable and completely safe treatment. But professional masseur Sergei Kosenko sure the efficiency of massage increases if it is performed with hands mothers. Let’s find out why.

- Indeed, the child’s body is very sensitive, reacts very grateful for a quality massage. And in my personal experience there are some very positive stories about it. But I want to emphasize the word “quality” massage. What we usually understand by that? Massage, its intensity, the set of certain pleasant or not, techniques. However, we completely overlooked that massage is a contact of two people on a very subtle level.

Human fingertips is a powerful emitter of energy, positive or, unfortunately, negative. And making massage to a man, the master necessarily shared with the patient themselves. Yeah, just myself, my real self. If the master of a good massage if he is capable of doing massage, to love a man who trusted him with your body, the massage becomes a sacrament of filling the physical body with Heavenly Love. This is the main power of massage.

And adults came to the massage, in varying degrees, feel it. The sensitivity of children to the subtle energies that saturated with their body during the massage is amazing! Alas, not every massage therapist radiates positive energy… So, doing massage children, I always suggest to mothers to learn the basics of this art. After all, to understand the principle of massage, to learn some basic massage movements not difficult, and reserves of love is the main active force - all moms are endless. And, therefore, the efficiency of the massage, made my mother’s hands, will be much higher.

There is another reason that I strive to give skills to mothers: do children really need tactile contact, but regularly having a massage or walk with a child on massage to the clinic, agree, can not all. Much easier to do children massage their hands, right? Mothers learn to massage their children this skill well worth it!

How long do I need to learn the art of massage?
It happens in different ways: massage for babies, if you do not require any specific techniques that you can learn in one session. Sometimes takes 2-3 lessons, all individually.


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