Saturday, June 25, 2016


1 tablespoon green tea pour 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes to infuse. Then filter the tea and opolaskivaniem them clean hair. Do not rinse. Hair conditioner green tea will give softness, silkiness and Shine.

Tea hair loss

A strong infusion of tea rubbed into the hair roots every night for 10 days. This recipe will not only prevent hair loss but also will stimulate their growth.

Conditioner for oily hair with tea

1 wonderful tea recipe will help to normalize the work of sebaceous glands:
1 Cup strong black tea mixed with 1 Cup of infusion of oak bark. This mixture opolaskivaniem clean hair but do not rinse. This recipe will suit those who have dark hair, as they can be a bit colored.

Tea - a great tool for hair styling

2 tablespoons black tea pour 1 Cup of boiling water. Ready strained mixture wetted the hair before you cheat, hair, or before styling your hair, then the hair will stay much longer.


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