Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Sports pizza!

Without flour! Without yeast! Without baking powder and yogurt!
Tasty and not rich in calories!

For the test
500 gr chicken breast
1 egg
Dry (or fresh) herbs, for example oregano and dill

For the filling:
Peppers -2 PCs.
100 gr of Parmesan or other cheese
A small bunch of green onions

For the sauce:
tomato paste 200 gr.
2 cloves of garlic
low-fat sour cream or natural yoghurt-100 g

Method of preparation:

* Chicken breast with egg grind in blender
* Mix with spices
* Evenly distribute on the baking paper
* If the dough sticks to your hands, distribute it soaked in cold water by hands
* Send in a preheated 180 degrees oven for 18-20 minutes
* Cookie monster needs to dry a little
* Meanwhile, make sauce: mix tomato paste with spices, sour cream and mustard.
* Cut the stuffing
* Korzh remove from oven, brush with sauce, arrange the stuffing
* And again in the oven until everything is beautiful not zapechetsya….15 minutes
At the end grate the cheese and leave in oven for another 10 min.


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