Saturday, June 25, 2016

Yoga: exercises for a strong immune system

Exercise for the immune system ? simple and very effective. Typically, such systems also offers yoga, which contains the complexes in order to improve the protective barriers of the body. One of these special programs is Pranayama.

1. Standing, put your hands up through the sides and hold your breath for 32 seconds. Exhale slowly, lowering his hands back. Keep your back straight, but do the exercise without strain.

2. Standing, put your hands out in front of him. Slowly breathing in, hold your breath and take his hands back, clenching his fists. Sharply exhaling mouth, back to its original position. Repeat a few times.

3. Standing, take a deep breath and paused before exhaling hands describe circles, forward and backward, exhale sharply through the mouth.

4. Stand by the wall at distance of outstretched arms. On the pause after inhale otomis from the wall, feeling the strains and stretches the chest. Exhale through the mouth and repeat the exercise several times.

5. Standing, hands on hips, take a breath. On the exhale do a forward bend while breathing in ? go back to the original position. The same pattern do tilts back and sides.

6. Lie on your stomach and put your hands on the floor at shoulder level. Breathing, pause otomis from the floor as slowly as possible. Sharply exhale through the mouth.


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