Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Remove from your life these 10 of unnecessary things, you will feel a rush of happiness and pleasure


Remove from your life these 10 of unnecessary things, you will feel a rush of happiness and pleasure.

Don’t just read… try it!

1. Freed from the need always to prove his innocence. Among us so many who even threatened rupture excellent relations, causing pain and creating stress, cannot accept and take a different point of view. It’s not worth it.

2. Release the control.
Be ready to give necessary to constantly monitor everything that is happening to you - situations, events, people etc. Whether relatives, colleagues or strangers on the street - just allow them to be who they are.

3. Let go of the guilt.
Freed from the need to blame others for what you have or don’t have, for what you feel or don’t feel. Stop spraying your energy and take full responsibility for your life.

4. Stop negative conversation with yourself.
How many people harm themselves, just because they allow negative thoughts and emotions control their lives. Do not trust everything that says your logical, rational mind. You are better and capable of more than you think really.

5. Freed from the constant need to complain about many things - people, situations, events that make you unhappy, sad and depressed. No one can make you unhappy, no situation could disappoint. Not the situation makes you certain feelings.

6.Refrain from criticism. Stop criticizing people who are different from you, and events that do not meet your expectations. We are all different.

7. Freed from the need to impress others.
Stop pretending and be who you really are. Remove the mask, accept and love your true self

8. Cease to resist change.
Change is normal, they are necessary for us to move from point A to point B. Changes help to change our lives and the lives of others for the better.

9. Do not place labels.
Stop to put labels on people and events that you don’t know or just don’t understand. And gradually open their minds to the new.

10. Let go of the past.
Know it’s hard. Especially when the past like it more than the present and the future scares me a little. But you need to accept the fact that the present is all you have.


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