1. Salmon
This product is not only rich in precious omega-3 fatty acids, it is still successfully struggling with high blood pressure. Scientists explain that the salmon in the human diet twice a week reduces the risk of ischemic stroke by 50%. Heart useful, however, any oily fish.
2. Oatmeal, oatmeal cookies
With cholesterol will fight fiber. It is best to choose cereals that have gone minimal processing. They contains higher amount of fiber. With oatmeal is to start your day, it will allow you to control the appetite.
3. Berries and greens
Berries contain important “building materials” for the heart - flavonoids and their polymers. Studies prove that regular consumption of flavonoids in the diet reduces mortality from cardiovascular disease by 68%. What contains these ingredients: blueberries, currants, grapes, apples, wine, broccoli, lettuce, raspberries, green onions.
4. Garnet
One of the best assistants of the heart. It can be eaten fresh or drinking pomegranate juice. It reduces the level of cholesterol in blood, improves circulation, and more - is a protector of blood vessels of the heart.
By the way, the Americans argue that grenades are useful to men, even to a greater extent because it increases the potency. And pomegranate juice significantly reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer.
5. Pumpkin
It contains a huge amount of beta - carotene, vitamin C and potassium. This set of nutrients that fights atherosclerosis vessels of the heart. Besides pumpkin leads to normal water-salt balance and well lowers blood pressure.
6. Garlic
This product is designed to fight hypertension. It contains nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide, through which toniziruyut vessels and lowered blood pressure. Is necessary 2 cloves daily. In order to avoid unpleasant smell, you are allowed to swallow without chewing.
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