Thursday, July 7, 2016


My grandmother at 82 years old had no idea what a pain in the joints, heaviness in the legs, aching in the spine. And the reason is her miraculous rubbing. Truly, the best tools I have myself experienced. Ill like the neck, so much so that even sitting for a long time could not, and grandma offered me their miracle-rubbing. Do not believe it, after 2 days I felt so relieved, like a bag of stones had fallen from his shoulders. And 4 days later I forgot that once the neck was ill.

Here is the recipe of this rubbing. It treats everything: radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis - everything connected with joints and bone tissue.

300 g of alcohol, 1 bottle of camphor alcohol (10 ml), 1 bottle of iodine (10 ml), 10 tablets analgin.

Mix, insist in a dark place for 21 days, and you can use it. Grind at night and tie a woolen cloth or scarf of wool and go to bed. The day grind, if you don’t go outside. 10 days grind, then 5 days break, and then another 10 days to grind if it hurts.


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