Sunday, June 19, 2016


1. Take regular sleep a habit. Fall asleep every night at different times, you are putting stress on your body and do not allow him to establish an internal biological clock.

2. Avoid to sleep during the day, if it disrupts your night sleep.

3. Choose the most convenient mattress hardness and elasticity.

4. Use a comfortable pillow.

5. It is best to sleep without a light in a completely dark space.

6. Put in a bathroom/toilet night light to not turn on the overhead light, if you go there you will need to go in the middle of the night.

7. Eliminate noise and other external sound stimuli. The hum of the air conditioner or the early morning of cars it is possible to disguise a pleasant and calming, for example, the sound of the surf or rustle of leaves.

8. Maintain optimal body temperature: use the extra blanket in winter or light blanket in the summer. Cold and heat are frequent violators of the dream.

9. Do not use sedatives and sleeping pills - they only mask the problems, but not eliminate. Plus, these drugs can cause dependence.

10. Do not put in the bedroom computer or something work-related - it will interfere with your sleep on a subconscious level.

11. Do not drink coffee or other stimulating drinks at least a few hours before bedtime.

12. Not to train with weights in the evening, if it has a negative impact on your sleep.

13. Drink a small Cup of chamomile tea 2 hours before sleep - the perfect sleep remedy!

14. Do not exercise before bedtime nothing that can cause increased emotionality - otherwise sleep would be difficult.

15. Read something relaxing before going to sleep.


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