Monday, June 13, 2016

Contrast shower guard over the health of veins

Water treatment in principle have on the body striking effect, and thus for them it is not necessary to pay (unless you consider water consumption). The essence of a contrast shower is alternating the direction of the body hot and cold water. The temperature difference may reach from 20 up to 40 °. In other words, excessive feeling sorry for myself and warm-cool shower can not be called contrasting, respectively, the visible impact this procedure will have.

Individually high or conversely low temperatures are more harm than good, but with the right approach and the right combination of benefits is impressive. The sequential effects of hot and cold water has a tonic effect, stimulates the immune, endocrine and nervous systems, and accelerates regeneration processes.

Contrast shower - prevention of varicose veins

Unfortunately, from the onset with the age of the meshes of swollen veins are not insured by any one woman. Many people believe that varicose veins are the scourge of our time, however, the disease is forced to suffer people even in the heyday of Ancient Egypt, and perhaps earlier. During excavations, archaeologists found the mummies, after a study which was not doubt that during the life of the people suffering varicose veins. The reasons for the development of this unpleasant disease are many - too much load on the legs, “standing” work, excessive love of heels, unbalanced diet. If at least 1-2 of the item is inherent in you, you should think about the prevention of varicose veins. Of course, douche is unlikely in a progressive manner, however, in preventing the development of varicose veins do not underestimate him. Besides, especially in the early stages, doctors suggest to carry out this procedure as a Supplement to the basic treatment.

The contrast of hot and cold water strengthens blood vessels, it is a proven fact, and varicose veins, in turn, affects the weak, worn-out veins. Try taking a shower at least 2-3 times alternately to direct the body then hot, then cold water. No need to come up with fanaticism and pour first boiling water, then doused himself with ice water. Always start gradually, with just enough warm and cool water, most importantly to increase the temperature difference.

Rules of reception of a contrast shower

To obtain Wellness and the longest effect it is necessary to follow a few simple rules:

1. Hot water temperature should not exceed 45-50°C, otherwise instead of maintaining tone and exercise the walls of blood vessels will start to expand too much and the result is on the contrary weakened. The temperature is highly undesirable to increase even in prevention (besides, it’s nothing to do), so especially women with early stage of varicose veins to do so is strictly prohibited.
2. It is best to take a contrast shower in the morning before Breakfast. So you will be able not only to train the blood vessels, but also to cheer up better than any coffee, as well as to accelerate metabolism.
3. It makes no sense for you to pour hot or cold water, for each “phase” will be enough for 10-20 seconds. When you already get used to it, it is better to increase the number of shifts in temperature, such as not 2-3 times to switch the water, and again 5-6.
4. Always start with warm water and finish with cold. After you should RUB hard with a towel.

Good luck and health to you!


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