Saturday, June 4, 2016

Grandma's recipes: treatment of sunflower oil

Grandma’s recipes: treatment of sunflower oil.

- In the acute exacerbation of osteoarthritis of the knee joint to relieve pain, RUB the oil from the fingers up the leg to the groin.
- 1 part of powder concoctions mix thoroughly with 30 parts of sunflower oil. Obtained medicinal composition RUB into the affected area, then wrap the top with a scarf, or other warm cloth.
This therapeutic composition can be used for pain as an anesthetic.

Mix equal parts (1:1) aloe juice and sunflower oil. The resulting mixture lubricate the throat.
Other diseases of the throat (tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc.)
Mix equal parts (1:1)the precipitate of crude sunflower oil with the paste of garlic. Use for inhalation.

Mix sunflower oil and ammonia relative to 2:1. The resulting mixture RUB into the chest.

In a small bowl pour the flowers of the white Lily with sunflower oil and within a 10 minute boil in a water bath. Cool. This oil infusion do a light massage of the breast.

Poor circulation in the legs
- Prepare an oil infusion of Bay leaf:
2/3 Cup crushed Bay leaf pour a glass of sunflower oil, infuse in a dark place for 6 days.
- Take a warm bath, then RUB his feet with oil prepared with infusion of Bay leaf.

Burns, cracked feet, diaper rash.
Boil sunflower oil in a water bath. Cool. This oil lubricate sore spots, or superimposed on them bandages impregnated with oil.

Use sunflower butter and be healthy!


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