Monday, June 6, 2016

How to eat before exercise

Many experts suggest to consolidate the results of weight loss, exercise, increasing your physical activity. But these tips will remain tips, and their practical application, it never will reach, if not to plan these activities as VA.

Some people prefer to do in the morning, others in the morning no time to waste, they love to luxuriate in bed and transfer training for the evening. Here everyone chooses a time to exercise that is better suited.

If You choose for sport the morning, remember that doing better on an empty stomach. Well, not quite hungry. I would recommend to drink before exercise glass of natural juice is not sweet, which will after exercise to restore salt balance and will not interfere with the training.

If you decide to exercise in the evening, then you need to eat about 2 hours before class. Food should be light and not to perezagruzite the body. For this approach vegetable salad, nuts, yogurt, diet sandwich.

If you fill your stomach before your workout, you will experience discomfort from the heaviness not only in the abdomen, but also General weakness of the body. The load on the heart in this case is doubled, and the effect of such training is minimal, and health, this exercise can only do harm.


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