Saturday, June 11, 2016

News from the National Union of consumer rights protection

News from the National Union of consumer rights protection.

“Tetracycline is a good thing: the addition of similar antibiotics in food increases the shelf life and enriched them food for animals and poultry stimulates growth of 30%. That’s probably why the CPS has introduced standards for levels of tetracycline in food at 100 mg/kg Is 10 times more compared to the Soviet standards. One bad - tetracycline harmful to health, and its use even for medical purposes is now limited.

Prolonged use of foods containing residues of antibiotics that may cause adverse human health effects - allergic reactions, dysbacteriosis, education and the transmission of resistant forms of microbes. According to the methodical instructions approved by the USSR Ministry of health in 1984, the maximum allowable daily intake of antibiotics in the human body with food should not be within their sensitivity to tetracycline, penicillin is 0,01 IU per gram, or 10 mg/kg).

The revision of the rules associated with Russia’s accession to the WTO. Our sanitary standards (in Soviet times) was more stringent than WTO requirements.

One problem - in our body, too, live microorganisms that are responsible for digestion. As milk with a shelf life of 6 months can normally be “digested” in the stomach for 3-5 hours?“


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