Friday, June 10, 2016


Omega-3 is a separate group of unsaturated fatty acids not produced by the human body. In the case of a deficiency of these acids, a person may experience certain consequences, such as physiological and biochemical disorders.

The effectiveness of fatty acids omega-3

Polyunsaturated fatty acids have a number of positive effects, most relevant to bodybuilding.

The main ones:
- To increase the rate of metabolism.
- Increase insulinchuvstvitelnyh.
- Improving the rheology(fluidity) of blood. The decrease in viscosity leads to improved blood pressure, decrease the risk of thrombosis, heart attacks, strokes and vasculiarnah heart disease.
- Increase body tone and endurance.
- Loss of appetite.
- Omega-3 fatty acids are the direct precursors of natural anti-inflammatory components of human blood prostaglandin. With prostaglandins is much easier to endure exhausting training, because they reduce the inflammation and pain that accompany physical exercises;
- Contribute to the prevention of stress, improve brain activity, elevate mood. The human brain is composed of fatty tissue 60%, most directly in need of polyunsaturated acids omega-3.
- Improves the condition of the dermis, of the skin.
- Energy production without the risk of increasing the mass of fat deposits.
- Catalyzing the production of hormones, in particular testosterone.

The daily rate of omega-3 fats

- For the normalization of cholesterol in blood and improving the General health, sufficient intake of omega-3 fats are 1-1,5 g per day;
- During the diet to increase muscle mass and active body building, the dose of omega-3 fats should be set in the range of 3 g;
- During the diet for weight loss should take about 4 g of omega-3.

In modern conditions the person is difficult to obtain the necessary amount of fatty acids of the omega-3 from food. To these are added difficulties and also difficulties in storing foods fortified with omega-3 acids. Fat oxidation, accompanied by the release of dangerous radicals, can cause serious damage to human health.To form a balanced menu with a normal number of th consumption of unsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 is almost impossible, because the daily menu in this case, it must be 70% composed of fish. In addition, the high lipid content of seafood, rich in omega-3 acids, may become an obstacle for an athlete.Way out of this situation is the dietary Supplement with the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega 3 series. These drugs are all conditions that prevent the oxidation of fats and are useful for their learning supplements: astaxanthin, vitamin E and other.


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