Thursday, July 7, 2016

4 useful properties of cinnamon, which is worth knowing

1. Cinnamon is quite possible to keep in the home medicine Cabinet, not on the shelf with spices. The crushed bark is useful not only when ingested, not less strong healing effect and has the aroma of two-thirds in the composition of cinnamon is an essential oil. The composition also includes fibers, trace elements (magnesium, iron, calcium), antioxidants.

2. Cinnamon is a unique natural antibiotic.
She struggles with many pathogens:
with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which causes ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, with harmful yeast fungi, E. coli.
Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-parasitic properties of cinnamon allow to use this spice for the treatment of many inflammatory processes in the body: arthritis, ulcers, candidiasis dermatitis.

3. The benefits of cinnamon for the mind.
Improves the condition of the nervous system, is beneficial to the brain, improves memory. And you don’t have to use cinnamon in food, it is possible to inhale her scent.

4. Reduces the level of sugar in blood and normalizes a fatty exchange. Cinnamon can be a substitute for sugar, as it has a naturally sweet taste.


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