Tuesday, August 30, 2016


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comToday I will tell you wonderful and the mask from hair loss, proven now more than one generation in our family.After the birth, I terribly began to lose her hair.Cried a bit, calmed down and started to think what to do.I rushed to the pharmacy Vichy.Alemany, etc. - the money.Was the wool Internet in search of saving money and was about to order one, but then call mom, I was in a panic trying to post their problem, and...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comMy grandmother at 82 years old had no idea what a pain in the joints, heaviness in the legs, aching in the spine. And the reason is her miraculous rubbing. Truly, the best tools I have myself experienced. Ill like the neck, so much so that even sitting for a long time could not, and grandma offered me their miracle-rubbing. Do not believe it, after 2 days I felt so relieved, like a bag of stones had fallen from his shoulders....


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comAcupressure - this is not quackery, and not something ancient and incomprehensible, and full of medical technology. Acupuncture and acupressure help people to solve their health problems for several thousand years! In short, the logic here is that every organ in our body is directly connected to specific points on the body through energy channels. So if you want to improve the performance of some internal organs, you...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comDecoction of onion peel effectively used as an expectorant, laxative, diuretic, choleretic, antispasmodic, vitamin, antimicrobial, vessel-strengthening tool.Tortured frequent sore throats?Onion peel pour boiling water, strain and use for rinsing.Rhinitis (allergic and colds)?In boiling water add 4 tablespoons of chopped onion skins and breathe over the steam for 3-5 minutes.Cough?Pour 2 tablespoons of the husks 2 cups...

The five most effective folk recipes with periodontitis

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThe five most effective folk recipes with periodontitis. Cheaply and quickly eliminate bleeding gums! 1. Rinse your mouth with a solution of peroxide (buy at the pharmacy): take a glass of water and add 1-2 tablets gidroperita, stir.2. For a long time to chew sauerkraut. Thoroughly rinse your mouth Kale juice. The course is 7 days.3. Mix the dried and crushed peel of a banana and 3 tbsp of fine sea salt. Add the olive...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comFor Mature and dry skin Face mask of oatmeal at home If You have dry skin, use the following recipe. Three spoons of cereal grind or leave as is, add 3 tablespoons of warm milk. Once oatmeal swell, add a spoonful of fresh carrot juice. Mix and apply slurry on the face for 20 minutes. Milk in this case, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and carrot juice gives a slightly bronze shade and nourishes the epidermis with...

How to rejuvenate a facial skin for 15 minutes.

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comDo anti-aging mask for face 2-3 times a week. 1. Mask from oat flakes3-4 tablespoons of cereal pour hot milk or cream. The resulting mass apply on face. Hold for 15-20 minutes. Wash away with warm water. This mask will help to soften dry, chapped and rough skin.2. Yogurt maskFor the procedure you will need 100-200 ml fat yogurt (yogurt or sour cream). For 15-20 minutes a few times lubricate the face of your chosen dairy...

Monday, August 29, 2016

10 ways to introduce exercise into a habit

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com It’s a great day you bought new shoes and decided to seriously engage in sports. In order not to lose the enthusiasm for a couple of sessions, take advantage of the tips professional fitness instructors: 1. Try different sports. Repetitive workouts can quickly become bored. Alternate employment in the gym with Jogging, Hiking, tennis, Biking or rollerblading, swimming, yoga - anything that gives you pleasure. 2. Enlist...

Sunday, August 28, 2016


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comGreens. The pros and cons 🌱 PARSLEY: raises potency and removes puffiness + Useful when the pain in the heart. Possesses good diuretic effect, helps with edema. It is insulin, because parsley is recommended for patients with diabetes. In a small bunch of parsley (50 g) “hides” the daily dose of vitamin C. it Is useful for muscles and bones potassium with phosphorus, regulating the rhythm of the heart, soothing nerves,...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comIts effect is very strong, always works. The results will be stunning. After reading this prayer in your life will start to happen real miracles - a remarkable event that now you can’t imagine. Can show up distant relatives who wish to rewrite part of your property, you may receive an offer of a new job with an incredibly high salary, or just some people decide to give you a gift that will change your life.Prayer is...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comMAKE AN EFFECTIVE OINTMENT FOR COUGH BABY! If your child, like mine, tormented by the throat and cough is almost bezvylazno all winter - try our ointment! It is VERY simple to prepare, ingredients only 2 pieces and are ridiculously cheap, but it is VERY EFFECTIVE! And safe. Wonderful scrubbing. It is easy to prepare. Smells awesome! 50 grams of propolis 50 ml of sunflower oil. Propolis is put into the oil. Melt in a...

Seeking cures in the kitchen

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comLooking for meds in the kitchen.* High temperature.0.5 l of water with milk 1:1, sugar or honey to taste and 1 teaspoon ground cardamom reduce the temperature.* “Heaviness” in the stomach.Dip a slice of ginger in honey and chew on it.* Bowel problems (diarrhoea).Dilute 0.5 cups of yogurt 0,5 Cup of water, add a pinch of ginger and nutmeg.* Flatulence.Measure 1 teaspoon of equal parts ground cardamom, fennel and ginger...

Friday, August 26, 2016

Use onion peel

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com Decoction of onion peel are used as an expectorant, laxative, diuretic, choleretic, antispasmodic, vitamin, antimicrobial, vessel-strengthening tool. - Tortured frequent sore throat? Onion peel pour boiling water, strain and use for rinsing. - Runny nose (allergies and colds)? In boiling water add 4 tablespoons of chopped onion skins and breathe over the steam for 3-5 minutes. - Cough? Pour 2 tablespoons of the husks...

Exercises for the neck works wonders!

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comJust 4 exercises that seem trivial at first glance, with regular performance will help to tighten the skin of neck, improve sleep and even get rid of pain in the cervical spine.Exercises for the neck will relieve the tension and will save you from spending on expensive lifting treatments. And don’t forget, from the condition of the muscles of the neck and chest, depends on the state of our Breasts, so don’t be lazy,...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comRich sweets, junk food and sodas diet increases the risk of becoming a victim of colon cancer. To such conclusion scientists from the British universities of Edinburgh and Aberdeen.The popular Western diet of hot dogs, pizza, hamburgers, chips, soda and all sorts of cakes - a direct path ahead of time to go to premature death due to bowel cancer, which is considered one of the most dangerous in Oncology. British scientists...

Thursday, August 25, 2016


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comBergamot - attracts the vital energy; Lemon - helps to adapt to new circumstances; Orchid - brings financial stability; Patchouli - bestows prosperity, attracting wealth; Rosemary is the Keeper of energy, gives vitality to leave your home Pine - provides continuity and stability, strength of financial position; Cedar: attract money; Cinnamon: promotes prosperity, success in business, encourages creativity, develops mental...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comNearly all women have barely noticeable hair above the lip. Someone such “tendrils” seen more, someone less. Many are trying to get rid of this imperfection. However, most methods have drawbacks. Chemical methods for bleaching harmful for the skin, and mechanical - are quite painful and do not give long lasting result.We want to share a great painless way which gives long lasting effect and will not cause harm to the...

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How to survive a heart attack if you are alone?

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comIt often happens that a heart attack happens when a person is all alone, and nobody can help.If you suddenly feel that your heart was beating “wrong” and you are close to fainting, you have 10 seconds before you lose consciousness.Help yourself.* For this you need to start coughing many times and with great force. Each time before you cough, take a deep breath, the cough must be deep and prolonged, as if you otpravyat...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comMy grandmother at 82 years old had no idea what a pain in the joints, heaviness in the legs, aching in the spine. And the reason is her miraculous rubbing. Truly, the best tools I have myself experienced. Ill like the neck, so much so that even sitting for a long time could not, and grandma offered me their miracle-rubbing. Do not believe it, after 2 days I felt so relieved, like a bag of stones had fallen from his shoulders....

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Add a vase of flowers (peonies, for example) a few drops of vodka and a teaspoon of sugar, and you will extend their life.2. To safely remove firmly adhering adhesive tape, moisten it with alcohol using a cotton swab. The vodka will quickly dissolve the sticky layer. 3. In order to get rid of herpes, wipe it with a soaked vodka with a cotton swab.4. The same way you can reduce the pain from a burn jellyfish, at least...

Monday, August 22, 2016


http://medicine-art.tumblr.com 1. Lie down on your left side with your left hand put it under her head. Straighten your legs, stomach straining. On the exhale pull the abdomen while raising the right leg, not too high. Hold this position, take a breath and on the exhale stretch the right leg to the raised left. Hold balance 5 seconds. Repeat 6 - 10 times for each side. 2. Get on all fours, badly strained stomach muscles. On the exhale, simultaneously...

Derive your body of harmful

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comDerive from the body all harmful. The best recipes of the detoxification! 1. The Apple and cinnamon. Thinly slice one Apple and pour 500 ml of pure water, add 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, cool and drink throughout the day. The combination of apples and ground cinnamon will allow you to normalize metabolism and clean the digestive tract. 2. Lemon juice and honey. 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice mix with 200 ml warm water,...

Cheese soup in French

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com Ingredients: 400-500 g fillet 200 g of processed cheese 400 g of potatoes 150 g onion 180 g carrots butter salt, pepper, herbs, Bay leaf Preparation: 1. In a saucepan 3 liters to put the meat and pour water. Once the broth begins to boil, add 1 tsp salt, a few peas allspice and black, 2-3 Laurel leaf. Cooking from the moment of boiling 20 minutes. The meat is then removed. 2. Potatoes peel and cut into cubes. Onion...

Oil washing

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThis method of discharge like cures like. Functions and is suitable for any skin type except people with weak blood vessels.Preparation: make a mixture of oils. Castor oil is a required ingredient, because it has the ability to pull dirt from the pores, the amount should increase with the oiliness of the skin (usually 1/3 to 2/3 dry and oily). The rest of the volume is a cosmetic oil according to your taste and depending...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.com 1. A glass of kefir at night. If hunger comes, this is one of the best remedies. Fat yogurt - 56 Kcal per 100 g low-fat kefir - 30 Kcal per 100 g. Therefore, a glass of kefir at night will contain, respectively, 140 or 75 Kcal. 2. Grapefruit. Tasty and healthy and not deposited as body fat. He has the so-called negative” negative” calories, that is, the body spends on the digestion of protein, the same amount of calories...

Sunday, August 21, 2016


http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Apple-oat mask Peel an Apple peel and grate. Add 1 tbsp milk and 2 tbsp of rolled oats. Let stand 5 minutes and apply on face. Mask perfectly nourishes the skin with vitamins.2. Bananovaya mask 1 ripe banana mash with a fork and mix with 1 teaspoon of heavy cream. Apply on face for 15-20 min, rinse. The mask will moisturize dry skin!3. Cabbage mask cabbage leaves a Few mince. Gruel apply on face and keep for 20-30...

Saturday, August 20, 2016


http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1.Chamomile flowers 100 gr. 2.St. John’s wort 100 g.3.Immortelle flowers 100 gr. 4.Birch buds 100 grams.How to cook the elixir “Eternal youth”. Thoroughly mix herbs in specified proportions. Pour the mixture into a glass jar with a tight lid. To cook fresh elixir “ Eternal youth ”, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture of the herbs and pour 500 gr. of boiling water. Can be used for the preparation of the elixir “Eternal youth”...

The most effective ointment for varicose veins

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThe most effective ointments from varicose veins.Varicose veins - a disease of blood vessels, which results in reduction of elasticity, change of shape and marked increase in the size of the veins. The disease affects mainly the superficial veins of the lower limbs, spermatic cord and veins of the neck system. In folk medicine, there are various recipes, which allows to remove some of the symptoms of this ailment. In...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comMask with cognac and ground coffee!!!Very effective, try it and share your impressions!!!Ingredients:1. Eggs-2.2.Cognac -1-1.5 tablespoons.3. Ground coffee -1 tbsp.Mix all ingredients, and bring to a homogeneous mash. Wrap it up head with a towel. Half an hour later, thoroughly wash the head with plain water without using any shampoo or conditioner, do no-thing. Wipe with a towel to dry.Cons mask:1) She wears. No, not...

Friday, August 19, 2016

Chronic sinusitis can be cured conventional black tea

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comChronic sinusitis can be cured conventional black tea. People suffering from chronic sinusitis, you know how quickly the common cold turns into sinusitis. It turns out that treatment of chronic sinusitis folk remedies can be done using the conventional tea.Strictly speaking, of course, not only with tea but also with two is not the most exotic ingredients. However, it is the infusion of strong black tea tea is one of...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comAll the ingredients are natural - no chemicals.The effect is simply stunning!!!It should be done 2 times a year - spring and fall course for 2 weeks.So, we will need:- 1 tablespoon of honey (natural of course);- 1 tablespoon of sour cream (the fatter and better);- 50 g of fresh cheese- 6-10 drops of lemon- 1-2 vial of aloe, vitamin B1 and B12 (all sold in a pharmacy)- you can even the vitamins A and E to drop aCurd wipe,...

What foods not to eat on an empty stomach

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comWhat foods not to eat on an empty stomach.Baking will cause apathy, citrus - gastritis, and coffee with milk - kidney stones.The fact that Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, we narrowly learned. The result in the morning we eat in good faith, Yes, but not always what you need.. YEAST. They contribute to the development of stomach gas, stomach swells that, you know, not very nice. Therefore, fasting is any...

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Cleanse vessels

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comCleanse vessels.Doctors say that today many people die from cardiovascular diseases. So why is no one promoting simple methods of purification of vessels and the training of the heart? Everyone knows that to prevent disease is much easier than to cure neglected body. Here I am in Internetе repeatedly found recipes for cleansing the vessels and they are quite simple to prepare and the reception. Here are some of them:✔...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comSince childhood I have constant headaches. When passed a medical examination, the doctor said that I have narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain. Wrote a tablet, which at first helped, and then got worse.Knowing that I often have a headache, brother brought the medicine that did himself in somewhere visitandolo recipe. When he gave it to me to drink, the pain is gone almost instantly. After that I started taking...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comVitamins. How to preserve them when cooking?1. Herbs and vegetables can not be soak for a long time - enough to wash under running water.2. After rubbing through a sieve or grinding grated it is impossible to leave products on the air or heat - so they will deteriorate even faster, it is better to shift to a cooking utensil (not aluminum or copper, these substances are too active).3. Best utensils for cooking - pots...

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Folk omens about money, wealth

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comFolk omens about money, wealth. - Never show and not to show off money in front of strangers. The envy is a terrible thing. - Seeing off or welcoming guests don’t stand in the doorway, do not let you so money and prosperity into the house. Also after the gorgeous feast with the guests, all the debris from tablecloths shake out on the street, curled leaves together with debris. - In the house not to sweep multiple sweeps,...

Mild colon cleanse

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comIt is known that to get rid of many diseases enough to clean the intestines of mucus, fecal stones, parasites. In 70 years of life through the intestines passes 100 tons of food and 40 thousand liters of fluid.Summary: in the intestine accumulates more than 15 kg of fecal stones, toxic waste, poisoning the blood and causing irreparable harm to our body. That the intestines are dirty testify frequent constipation, impaired...

New, very interesting recipes of beauty ice

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Mint.Take 1 Cup of mint leaves and pour 1 Cup of boiling water. Allow to steep for 40 min in a sealed container. Strain and freeze in the freezer.Peppermint ice the skin and also very useful in the presence of acne on the skin and wrinkles. In addition, this ice refreshing and gives a noticeable whitening effect.2. The ice of St. John’s wort.Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons herb St. John’s wort and flowers, pour 1 Cup of...

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Some qigong exercises to help get rid of fatigue

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comSome qigong exercises to help get rid of fatigue.Try it - really helps!1. Starting position sitting on a chair. Throw a leg over the other, and with a force to press the foot, lying on top, to lying on the bottom, to stay on for 5 seconds then release the force. To change feet. To do the exercise 8 times for each leg.2. To the point at the base of the thumb and index finger to apply a nut or the ball ping-pong table....

We count calories

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comWe count calories.Sour cream (20%) - 1 tbsp - 45 caloriesSour cream (30%) - 1 tbsp - 69 kcalMilk (3,5%) 1 Cup - 128 kcalYogurt (2%) - 250 ml - 155 kcalYogurt (2,5%) - 250 ml - 175 kcalYogurt (low fat) - 250 ml - 55 kcalBoiled egg - 1 PC - 75 kcalEggs - 2 PCs - 180 kcalThe bun for the hot dog - 1 pieces - 136 caloriesPaprika - 1 PC. - 19 kcalOnion - 1 PC - 30 kcalBanana - 1 PC - 102 kcalPeach - 1 PC - 62 kcalMandarin...

7 foods that cleanse the body better than any medication

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Red beetThis is the cleaner of organism №1. Firstly, it contains cellulose , phosphorus, copper, vitamin C and a number of organic acids that improve the movement of food is bad and destroys putrefactive bacteria in the intestines. Second, it includes a lipotropic substance betaine, which causes the liver to better get rid of toxins. And, thirdly, beets helps to rejuvenate the body by folic acid (created more new...

Monday, August 15, 2016

Scents that attract the house wealth and abundance

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comOne legend tells the story:That money went toward you the river,Bill a drop of patchouliSoak and wallet shutThe Scent Of RainThe expression money does not smell familiar to all. And it proves once again that the notes may have a smell which is not always pleasant, for reasons far removed from art of flavors. But that’s another story, which we will not touch because there is a theme more attractive: to talk about what...

10 interesting people's councils

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com10 interesting people’s councils.1. Stretching of the muscles.Take a hot bath with 0.5 cups ground ginger and 0.5 cups of baking soda for 15 minutes To the affected area twice a day apply a compress of warm water (1 teaspoon of ground ginger + 1 teaspoon of turmeric and a little hot water).2. Bruises and other injuries accompanied by swelling.On the swollen area apply powder 2 parts turmeric and 1 part of salt, bandage.3....

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