Tuesday, August 9, 2016

11 rich products that can help you eat less!


1. Potatoes

Potatoes - the most satisfying product, it gives a feeling of satiety 3 times higher than a slice of white bread.

2. Lean meat, fish, legumes

The body does not create of their reserves. All eaten, the proteins go or to replace the protein molecules in cells and tissues (plastic function), or a smaller part for energy needs. Eat lots of protein we can’t - no place to put. Hence, protein foods are also quite filling.

3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is the most nutritious of cereals. A well-known property of oatmeal to act positively on the digestive tract, which makes it indispensable in the diet. Fiber, contained in oatmeal, promotes good digestion. In addition, this porridge can lower cholesterol.

4. Oranges

Oranges - one of the most nourishing fruits, through they contain fiber. In the list of 38 rich products, compiled by Australian researchers-nutritionists, oranges occupy the first place among all fruits and citrus.

5. Pasta from durum wheat

In the inscriptions on the labels easy to get confused. Some manufacturers indicate on the packaging of pasta wholemeal “pasta is made of durum wheat”, other - “pasta flour”. But in fact, are one and the same: flour of durum wheat.

6. Eggs

Egg is not just a very useful product, it is rich in protein content that helps the saturation. Eating one egg for Breakfast, you can greatly reduce your appetite for the next time and not add to its stockpile extra 330 calories.

7. Dark chocolate

Approximately a quarter of the 100-gram chocolate bar will allow you to eat much less than other products, as the components of this product slow down the digestive process. In addition, a few squares of dark chocolate act as a remedy against eating large quantities of sweets as well as savoury and fatty foods.

8. Pine nuts

Fatty acids contained in the pine seeds is very good for the heart and, moreover, contribute to a long feeling of satiety. If you are accustomed to eating almonds, I suggest you to replace this product on the pine seeds.

9. Soft cheeses

Fresh goat cheese or any other type of “feta” contains a concentrated linoleic acid, which helps to saturate and, in addition, helps the burning of fats in the body. Processed cheese also contain concentrated linoleic acid in large enough quantities so that you can give them their preference, but try to stick to one cheese.

10. Skim milk

Many of us used to think milk is the main product of baby food, not knowing what good quality milk is invaluable for the body of an adult. Proteins, contained in it, such as - casein, a well-fill us up. In addition, milk also contains concentrated linoleic acid.

11. Cheese

This product contains proteins, fats, vitamins, mineral salts and is a dietary product. The cheese is low-fat, fat and bold. Eat any health!


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