Tuesday, August 30, 2016



Acupressure - this is not quackery, and not something ancient and incomprehensible, and full of medical technology. Acupuncture and acupressure help people to solve their health problems for several thousand years! In short, the logic here is that every organ in our body is directly connected to specific points on the body through energy channels. So if you want to improve the performance of some internal organs, you just need to find the right point and regularly massaging it. In this article we will tell you about points, stimulation of which will allow you to lose weight. Practice -proven: thousands of years!

1. Point on the ear. Massage this point provides a metabolic boost. This means that it will allow you to lose weight in all parts of the body! You need to massage it with the thumb, applying during the entire process is about the same pressure. Repeat this procedure 2 times a day for 3 minutes at a time. After the procedure, you will notice that your body feel more energy. Also relieves the unpleasant symptoms of fatigue with the arms, legs, shoulders and feet.

2. Point on the face. This point is located exactly between your upper lip and nose. It is situated exactly in the middle of the “chute”. To stimulate her twice a day, for 5 minutes at a time. This massage helps to control hunger and anxiety. If you feel that you overeat during times of stress, then this exercise is for you!

3. Point on the foot. This point is one of the most used in acupuncture. It not only improves digestion, but also helps to suppress inflammatory processes in the body. It is also known that it eases menstrual cramps. It is situated exactly in the middle of the lower leg, 5 cm below the kneecap. Massage this point a strong circular motion for 2 minutes every day. So you ensure healthy condition of the stomach. Just make sure that when you feel slight discomfort or even a slight aching pain. Otherwise the desired effect will not achieve!

4. The “lever”. This is a key point on the body, through which all meridians of your internal energy. By stimulating it, you cleanse the body from excess heat and moisture and help improve bowel function. Stimulate this point for one minute at least 1 time a day.

5. Point at the ankles. This point is located 5 cm from the ankle on the inner side of the leg. Push her middle finger for 1 minute once per day. Breathe slowly, deeply. If you agree to the whole routine, which we are told and stick to a schedule, your metabolism will become faster. As a result, you’ll be much more energetic during the day and the excess fat will begin to be processed and not continue to accumulate. If you follow our recommendations, you will become healthier, will be able to control your appetite and begin an entirely new way to look at life!


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