Sunday, August 7, 2016

9 antiviral herbs and seasonings


Immunostimulatory properties of Echinacea people have learned to benefit more than 400 years ago. Once this plant was used to treat syphilis, scarlet fever, blood poisoning, gum disease, and even snake bites.
Today Echinacea is used mainly for stimulating the immune system and reduce symptoms of colds and flu. For these purposes, perfect tea (1-2 g of dried herb per Cup of boiling water). This herbal infusion is recommended to take 3 times a day for up to 10 days in a row.

Syrup of elderberries

The popularity of the elderberry syrup as immunomodulator in the US can be compared with the popularity in our country of rosehip syrup. Named remedies have anti-inflammatory and antiviral activity and can be recommended in case of seasonal viral infections. However, elderberry syrup should be taken with caution and strictly adhere to the dosage - it contains a small amount of cyanide.
Also you can prepare the juice or the infusion of elderberries: 3-5 g dried fruit to brew one Cup of boiling water. Taken three times a day. By the way, about the benefits of juice of black elderberry I wrote here.


We should not forget about the good old garlic. Because of its powerful antiviral properties meets the chemical allicin. In addition, garlic is high in vitamin C, known for its positive effect on the immune system.


One of the simplest and quite pleasant in taste recipes hot drinking a cold include grated ginger root, a spoonful of honey and a lemon wedge. This is widely common in Asian cuisine seasoning contains biologically active compounds that kill viruses, particularly different strains of the flu virus. But beware - the excessive amount of ginger tea could cause heartburn and indigestion.

Melissa officinalis

Another herbal remedy with antiviral properties, which you probably know. According to the publication in the journal “Phytomedicine” (September 2008), treatment Melissa is not only amenable to colds and flu, but herpes I and type 2.


Astragalus or centaury is a truly unique plant that is used to heal wounds, fight off viruses, strengthen the immune system and prevent colds. But even if you started taking the Astragalus syrup during illness, its active herbal ingredients will help speed your recovery. Adults instead of syrup doctors advised to take extract of centaury in a dosage of 250-500 mg up to 4 times a day.

Zheltokoren canadian

Yellow root or Goldenseal (popularly known under the name Golden seal) contains a special substance berberine for preventing the spread of viral cells in the human body. Even herbalists say strong preventive properties of Goldenseal. As the homeland of the plant is considered to be North-East USA, there the Indians are well known beneficial properties of Goldenseal: from skin and eye infections, sore throat, digestive problems.

Olive leaf extract

According to Dr. Ronald Hoffman, the extract of olive leaf European people began to use from the beginning of 1800-ies to combat various viruses, including those causing fever (malaria). Scientists from around the world have begun to actively explore the antiviral properties of olive leaf extract, beginning in 2005. Read more about the benefits of olive leaf read this article.


The root of this plant (in common Morkovkina root or yellow card). Herbalist Todd Caldecott has extensively studied the history of the use of lomatium in folk medicine. Many centuries ago, with the help of this miraculous root Indian tribes, as well as residents of the Pacific coast of Western Europe was treated for a sore throat, colds, tuberculosis and other diseases easy. However, thorough clinical trials so far conducted were not. As you can see, nature is generous on herbal antivirals that can sometimes be much more effective than powders and pills.


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