Headache, dizziness or swaying, feeling the pressure in my temples, radiating in the neck, cheek, eye pain, constant fatigue and the urge to cry, irrational bouts of fear, a chaotic beating of the heart, pain in region of heart, etc. - the list goes on and if anyone is familiar with, the diagnosis - VSD - vascular dystonia is in your medical record.
VSD - the invisible disease that the guilty in its emergence is not known exactly, but usually it’s a combination of factors and 1 of them is poor vascular tone. You are only as young as young and elastic your blood vessels.
To improve the tone of vessels is necessary daily to carry out a complex of measures aimed at improving the tone.
1. Sport, sport and more sport
Constant exercise. First during exercise improves blood circulation, saturates the blood with oxygen and improves vascular tone.
Second exercise will strengthen your heart muscle. Thirdly, a good physical condition improves the emotional sphere. When playing sports do not overdo it.
2. Water, water and water again.
The vessels like water.
The constant use of healthy drinking raw water in the amount of 2-3 liters per day. The result will feel in 1-2 months. VSD for rent before water treatments.
A contrast shower or bath makes your blood vessels more elastic. Alternate hot water (2 min, 45-55°C) and cold (1 min, 10-15°C), from 3 to 6 times, ending with cold 10 consecutive days tones up the venous and lymphatic vascular walls.
During the transition from hot to cold from blood vessels is squeezed out. In addition, such hardening increases the body’s resistance to dramatic shifts in weather conditions.
A large ship - great swimming.
During swimming the cells of the internal organs and brain are saturated with oxygen, reduces the heart rate and toniziruyut vessels.
3. Calmness, only calmness.
Frequent stress makes the blood vessels fragile and brittle. Do everything to strengthen your neuro-emotional background. Looking for music for meditation, learn to relax, do yoga, drink sedative drugs and sleeping 8-10 hours a day.
4. Take a deep breath.
Go into nature, where the air is cleaner to breathe. Do bodyflex. Refuse once and for all from Smoking nicotine spazmiruet vessels.
5. Eat raw vegetables and fruits.
Add in food bran, which will lower blood cholesterol, hazardous to vessels. Do not drink a lot of tea and coffee, they are deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Make askorutin for 3-4 weeks 2 times a year. Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels.
Be sure to eat foods containing sulfur and phosphorus: nuts, beans, soy, cauliflower, celery. Sulfur is found in cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, garlic, figs, onions, potatoes.
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