Saturday, August 20, 2016

The most effective ointment for varicose veins

The most effective ointments from varicose veins.

Varicose veins - a disease of blood vessels, which results in reduction of elasticity, change of shape and marked increase in the size of the veins. The disease affects mainly the superficial veins of the lower limbs, spermatic cord and veins of the neck system. In folk medicine, there are various recipes, which allows to remove some of the symptoms of this ailment. In this article we will tell You about the recipes such ointments.

Ointment varicose veins - effective recipes:

1. Garlic ointment.

To prepare this ointment must be thoroughly crushed white garlic and mix one part with two parts of fresh butter. Application: to apply ointment to the affected areas, wrap with parchment paper and fix the fixing bandage of bandage. Leave this compress on one night, and then rinse the ointment with warm water. In mild irritation or flaking, it is recommended to moisturize the skin of any baby cream.

2. Cream of walnut kernels.

You need a handful (about 50 grams) chopped walnuts pour one Cup of sunflower oil, leave to infuse for one week, after which heating the composition on low heat for one hour, then strain. Lubricate the medicinal composition to the affected place several times a day.

3. Ointment of sour milk with sage.

You must mix the crushed wormwood with sour milk until mushy state and add to this mix some vaseline or butter. Thoroughly mash and mix all the ingredients, then place the container with the mixture in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for twenty to thirty minutes. Ready ointment applied on the skin in areas of lesions disease soft massage movements. Alternatively, you can use the ointment for cold compresses. To do this, spread the ointment on the gauze, wrap its legs and leave it on for one night. Repeat this process every night for five days and then take a break for 3 days, and then again swipe the course of treatment.

4. Ointment Kalanchoe.

In order to prepare this ointment, use the following recipe: you need to mix the crushed in a slurry of fresh leaves of Kalanchoe with vaseline (ratio 2:1) and leave the ointment in the fridge the night on the bottom shelf. For seven days, be prepared to RUB ointment before bed in the affected areas of the feet circular light movements.

5. Ointment of fragrant hops.

Grind one tablespoon of hops, add a little water and steam for a couple of the water bath. Now you need to mix the resulting slurry with a half teaspoon of vinegar and butter, glycerine or vaseline. Use this ointment as for a regular day of grinding, and for the night compresses.


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