Monday, August 29, 2016

10 ways to introduce exercise into a habit

It’s a great day you bought new shoes and decided to seriously engage in sports. In order not to lose the enthusiasm for a couple of sessions, take advantage of the tips professional fitness instructors:

1. Try different sports. Repetitive workouts can quickly become bored. Alternate employment in the gym with Jogging, Hiking, tennis, Biking or rollerblading, swimming, yoga - anything that gives you pleasure.

2. Enlist the support of friends. To skip training much more difficult, if the fitness club you have a friend.

3. Make classes mandatory. Don’t make exceptions to the rules! Give half an hour for exercise in the weekend, holidays, on vacation and even on a business trip. Eventually close (as you) will get used to your regime and will not persuade you to skip training for the sake of going to the movies or to a party.

4. Do in the morning. Not everyone likes to train in the morning, when the body is still not quite awake. However, a morning workout is a real salvation for busy people. If your whole day is painted on minutes, go to a fitness club before work.

5. …or evening. If you prefer to exercise in the afternoon, go for a workout straight from the office. If you go home, you are more likely to decide to ditch class.

6. Use sport as a way to cheer up. Do not skip a workout because you’re too tired from work. Physical activity will recharge you with energy much better than relaxing in front of the TV.

7. We share the results. Write down the distance run per night (the time for each workout, number of steps or squats). At the end of the month put the extracted numbers. Imagine how surprised your friends when they find out that in 30 days you could run from Kiev to Odessa!

8. Keep an eye on your progress. Most often we drop sport due to the fact that we do not see instant results. But the pursuit of the ideal figure is not the only reason for training. Pay attention to your health, mood and libido and will notice positive changes.

9. Go for a walk. Walk as often as possible. Get a pedometer to regulate the distance traveled and number of burned calories.

10. Reward yourself for successes. Put before itself a specific goal (e.g., go back to wearing an old pair of jeans) and think of a reward if you reach it. This can be a latest blouse, a trip to the theatre or a piece (a piece!) favorite chocolate cake


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