Friday, August 12, 2016

Interesting old recipes for women's health

Interesting old recipes for women’s health.

These tips from well-known herbalist. Use them proven by centuries.

* For women it is important to use spices.

- If period “do not come” on time, irregular or painful - will allow the red pepper (often added to food).
- If too profuse and long lasting - recommended mixture of wine vinegar with nettle 1:1 1 STU spoon 2-3 times a day during meals.

* Special Wellness drink: the infusion of raspberry and calendula (both plants are considered “female”), and drink it, preferably not only during disease but also for prophylactic purpose.


- Glass jar (3 l) filled with raspberries (or fresh)
- Add a handful of marigold flowers, 3 tbsp. of honey and drink it.
- Put in a dark place to infuse for 2 months.
- Take 20 ml in the evening for prevention.
With the medical purpose drink 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day before meals.

This prevents most of women’s diseases (cysts, fibroids), and thanks to Malin, containing salicylic acid, liquefies thick blood. The drink is useful to drink as young women, and grandmothers (e.g., from atherosclerosis).

This tincture is useful for men, for example, for diseases of the cardiovascular system.


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