Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Folk omens about money, wealth

Folk omens about money, wealth.

- Never show and not to show off money in front of strangers. The envy is a terrible thing.

- Seeing off or welcoming guests don’t stand in the doorway, do not let you so money and prosperity into the house. Also after the gorgeous feast with the guests, all the debris from tablecloths shake out on the street, curled leaves together with debris.

- In the house not to sweep multiple sweeps, otherwise your wealth razletaetsya in the corners.

- Help loading things to other people, it will attract money to you. But do not help unload, the wealth from you in this case, it will run away.

- Never sit on your Desk, it’s to an empty wallet.

- Do not put money on the table, it will lead to higher costs.

- Debts to give in the morning, but not tonight. Do not borrow money on Monday, otherwise the following week the money will be spent in large quantity.

- In case of bad weather please do not bring garbage from home. So you will bring poverty.

- In the dark do not count the money and do not need in the house, it’s a big waste of money.

- Do not put bag with a purse on the ground, the money will go through the floor, don’t let the money borrowed over the threshold, otherwise you do not return them.

- If you save money do not look very often in the piggy Bank, otherwise the wallet will leak.

- Money in the purse must lie neatly and in order.

- Communicate more with rich people, they bring monetary happiness.

- The Windows in the house must be clean. The money goes only into a clean house. Don’t throw shoes, together with shoes will leave cash welfare.

- Try to be always in a good mood, money loves happy people.

- Do not place the empty bottle on the table, the table will go well.

- Never pick up money off the road, other people’s money will come, and your will go.

- When you pay the store money, the amount put on the register, but not in the hands of the seller, and the surrender of try to take from the hands of the seller.

- Never place the knife on the table blade up, then the house will be driven only a trifle.


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