Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Disposal and prevention of cellulite


1. 2, and better 3 times a week load your own physical body procedures. The most effective of them: walking, swimming and Cycling. The time you should leave at least 45 minutes. Remember, the fat begins to burn after 30 minutes of active training. Too lazy to do? At least walk, walk as much as possible on foot. At least 30 minutes a day.
2. Plenty walk and be outdoors.
3. Jump rope, jump as much as possible. Start with 15 minutes, gradually bringing to 45, while earning forms, about which we dream. After you jumped, not States. Like, podelite exercises, otherwise the whole result is nothing.
4. This is a preparatory exercise that will prepare our muscles for core exercises. This will allow, firstly, to carry out training with the maximum benefit and, secondly, deliver us from the consequences of physical injuries.

The exercises are simple:

1. Tilts the torso forward and sideways.
2. Rotation of the pelvis.
3. Squats.
4. Lunges forward alternately on both legs.
5. Walking on a place, highly lifting knees.
6. Jumping on toes.
Depending on the degree of training, each exercise should be repeated 20 to 50 times, then use anti-cellulite cream to problem areas.
another exercise : Sit on your butt. Cross your legs in Turkish. Roll from one side to the other. (BREAKS FAT AND CELLULITE ON THE ASS, MAKING IT SMOOTH AND ELASTIC).


1. Scrub and/or (preferably and) bath with sea salt. As good coffee scrub
2. Massage with vegetable, rose or anise oils.
3. Dry massage MITT should be a familiar procedure. Twice a day - morning and evening - RUB problem areas for 5 minutes. After take a shower and lubricate the skin cream.
4. Wraps.
5. Separate algae help to eliminate toxins from problem areas. The effect of the wraps will increase if the relevant areas to cover the upper side of the polyethylene.
6. Regularly take a contrast shower
7. Try to use a rough massage MITT, moisten it first with hot and then with cold water. Regular massage will make the skin more smooth and beautiful, will get rid of cellulite.
8. Honey massage

Anticellulite mask-scrub of clay

3 tablespoons of clay,
2 tablespoons coffee grounds or freshly ground coffee
5 drops of essential oil of thyme,
3 drops of rosemary essential oil.

Dilute clay with warm water until the consistency of porridge, then add the remaining ingredients and mix. Apply the mask on problem areas and massage thoroughly for 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.


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