Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A magical blend of academician Filatov FOR WEAK VISION


A magical blend of academician Filatov FOR WEAK VISION.

It’s the recipe for my mom. Her eyesight was a big problem. When she was treated at the Odessa clinic of eye diseases in 60-h years, she was fortunate to be observed by academician Filatov. Rewriting with information boards it is a wonderful recipe for those who want to strengthen the sight, she then used constantly and with great success!

100g of aloe juice, 500 g of crushed walnut kernels, 300 g of honey and juice of 3-4 lemons well mixed and ate 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals until until it’s a noticeable improvement. By the way, this recipe is not only sharpens the sight and strengthens the body.

IMPORTANT! Aloe should be at least 2-3 years

Cut the large lower and middle leaves, leaving untouched the tip of the plant, as well as 3-4 of the top sheet, wash with boiled water, remove the cloves, cut the leaves into small pieces, pound and squeeze the juice through a juicer or double folded cheesecloth.

Academician Filatov advised the washed leaves to cut, and put them on a plate and put in the refrigerator for 10-12 days. In the cells of the aloe in these conditions, the formation of substances called Biogenic stimulators, which stimulate cell activity. After this the sheets are again washed and do all that is described above.

And the last: drink the juice or add it to homemade medicine for too long is not necessary - however, inhibited intestinal peristalsis, it irritated mucous membrane and inflammation can occur.

Remember that the aloe juice is contraindicated in acute kidney, gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy, acute inflammatory processes in the female genital organs, diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation, exacerbation of tuberculosis complicated by hemoptysis, and hemorrhoids.


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